
Why is it that people sometimes take an instant dislike to someone upon meeting them for the first time?

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Why is it that people sometimes take an instant dislike to someone upon meeting them for the first time?




  1. It could be smell, looks etc.

    I have often done this, just disliked someone for seemingly no reason but have almost always been proved right. For instance i did not like my friends new bf. Everyone else thought he was a god send. They thought i was just being funny or jealous or something but i just couldn't explain why i did not like him. We later discovered that he cheated on her several times and he turned out to be a complete jerk.

    I was also right about another person. She turned out to be basically insane lol Again everyone thought i was just being difficult.

    I just wish people would learn to trust my judgement. I could of saved a lot of people heart ache if they had just listened to me.

  2. Some people are better judges of character than others.

  3. Instinct, chemicals, smell, Looks (may remind them of someone else they dislike)

  4. Chemistry is the word.

  5. you can tell a lot about a person, especially by the way they treat a stranger (because there is no real consequence since they have no ties)

  6. My understanding is that we have a sub-concious reaction to people. When we meet someone new, we will sub-conciously associate that person with someone we already know. The new person will remind you of someone you like or dislike. That is how you form an instant opinion upon meeting someone new

  7. Gut instinct, always go with it.

  8. usually this reaction is based on looks and stereotypes. first impressions are lasting impressions. unless you and that person get to know each other, but sometimes, based upon the first impression, people will not want to get to know you. it sucks, but this is the way it works.  

  9. Could be many different things.  To start with, it could be that person reminds them of someone they do not like.  It could be just an intuition too.  Maybe it was something they said from the start.  Or the way they shook hands.  

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