
Why is it that people think its a good idea to fuzz at the ppeople making food

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Why do people tend to scream and holler at the person making ur food....i don't think its a very smart or good idea....(i work at a fast food restaurant) do people ever just stop and think about you really want that "special ingredient?"




  1. unfortunately it's just human...

    they're there because they are hungry...and they want that meal fast...

    and the smell makes them more hungry and impatient, watching others just too much.

    and sometimes some just listens to their instincts...not sooo human, but...(my cat miauws louder when i'm opening the can, babies crying when hungry)

    the easy way to get over it? feel sorry for the screaming ones! they got nothing personal with you, just got not enough intelligence to control themselves.

  2. I always try to be polite.  But usually it is the frazzled workers who cop an attitude.  Don't spit in anybody's food.  There was a guy who got arrested for doing that here in my community.  Needless to say, he was fired.  Also, he has a criminal record following him.  It was considered assault on a Police Officer.

  3. I'm always polite with people who make my food, they're providing me with a service ( and I don't want you to spit in in my meal). I think that you're just concentrating on a few people who think that they have the divine right to complain about everything, those kinds of people annoy me. Although if people are paying for something they do expect it to be done right, but I understand what you mean.

  4. I used to work in the food service industry so I give people credit it's can be very hard and frustrating.  So, if I get an item and it's not done to my liking I'll send it back.  For example:  I went to Applebees with a friend and she ordered the Queso Dip w/ chips and when it arrived it was COLD and the chips were too salty.  We didn't cop an attitude we just let our waiter know and he brought another one... Mistakes happen and this was something totally fixable.  

    I feel if you are "just" and nice that the problem can be solved no problem.  Most people that put up a stink are just trying to get somethig for nothing!  Or attention to themselves!

    However, I've had a few circumstances where the problem wasn't fixable and I had to complain and nobody likes that.  It was more of a service issue than a food issue though... We were seated at a restaurant that had dirty cigarette ashes on the table and our waitress was a pill!  So, we left!  

  5. I always give you guys respect, I don't want spit in my food.

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