
Why is it that people think that it's easy and lazy to write a story?

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Writing is most certainly NOT easy, and yet I hear so many people telling me, "Writing isn't a skill, anyone can do it!" To be honest, it's really annoying having people say that, because I know for sure that writing isn't "the easy way out," or EVERYONE would be doing it. I plan on becoming an author because I enjoy writing, by the way, but I don't like people seeing me as lazy, in case anyone wondered why I asked.




  1. Because a lot of authors have a lot of books (granted most of them are well on in age) Therefore, they think it is easy to come up with an idea and make it come out good.

  2. I know how hard it is. I've been writing for years and nothing has come of it.

    Well, my English is pretty good...

    Who am I kidding? It's wonderful! I just wish I had the patience and skill to finish a good story.

  3. Don't worry about being called "lazy".

    When you're a billionaire, you can buy all those losers.

  4. People TELL you that?  When I say I'm a writer people are always like "wow, I don't think I could do that"

    I guess, though, that thought process stems from things like Twilight, which aren't well-written or original but sell millions of copies anyway because of good publicity.  It's too bad the path that modern literature is taking, but it's up to us, the writers of now, to change it.  So keep writing, no matter what anyone else says.

  5. Aw don't let what other people think get to you. They're ignorant and you know it. I pity ignorant people. The best revenge is success! Just keep writing. People who read are looking forward to it.

  6. Anyone can write, it is very easy.

    Writing WELL, however, is hard.

  7. They probably have never tried it! Believe me, there are many people who do realize how hard it is though. Props to you!

  8. i know

    im thirteen but im starting my first story

    i tell people im writing a story and there only responses are 'anyone can do that, what's so special' or 'sure you are' its really stressful and difficult like really.  i had to take a break for a while but my mind still was going on with the story.  its really hard to put every thing into writing too.

  9. Maybe there bitter. Maybe they say it because they can't write themselves and if they can't do it it must be stupid.  I think even the best writers get writers block at times.

    It totally get you.

  10. The truth is that most people who've never really attempted to write don't know how hard it is.  I've heard people say "I could have written that better than _______ did and I don't even read."

    It's kind of like photography, a lot of people seem to think that all you do is point your camera in the direction of thing you want a picture of and then push a button and presto you have a picture.  And while there is a some truth to that, it's like writing, if you want to get really good pictures you have to learn the techniques and use the right equipment and know what you're doing.

    With writing you're equipment is pen & paper or a computer, and words, something people have easy access too so there for it must be easy.  They're forgetting about the fact you have to know how to use words and understand their meaning.  You have to create a picture for your reader to see so they become entranced by the story and feel like they're apart of it.  And the only way you can do that is to learn how words fit together.  

    A writer uses words a lot like a photographer uses a camera.  You have to make sure that you've created a picture that you're reader/viewer is going to find appealing.  And that involves a lot more than just writing words down on a page, or pointing your camera and pressing a button.

    Don't know if that's the answer you're looking for but I hope it at least made you and anyone else how might read this think a little.

  11. writing is most definately a skill, however i do agree tht anyone with a good idea, a good imagination, a good vocabulary, and a lot of determination can write. if you can write you are for certain NOT lazy! Writers spend their lives searching for ideas and plots and finding the best way to catch your audience and present them on paper! Good for you tht u have the drive and talent to write and i hope tht the future holds success for you!

  12. u see those LOSERS havent tried.; When ur a rider u hav like thousands of sleepless nigts thinking of a good ending. U have to open ur mind and think really hard. WHEN UR  A FICTION WRITER U HAVE TO MAKE UP A WHOLE WORLD!!

    Its is not easy.

    I am just 12. But ive started [probbably 20 stpories that i couldnt finish bcuz i havent thought it out.

  13. Writing is easy. Writing good isn't easy. Lot's of people say that it's easy because they've never really tried to write a story or anything. I was talking to one of my friends (one of my brothers friends, but what ever) and he said that my 70 page story wasn't much of an Accomplishment, then said that his 5 page story "pwned" anyway, Why do you care what other people think anyway? I try not to, but everynow and then it gets to me, not very much though. Anyway, keep writing then laugh at everyone that called you lazy!

  14. I agree with you that it takes discipline, education and skill to be able to write well.

    Some writers find that a few stories do just flow out, seeming 'easy,' and they are then grateful to the Muse.

    And some so-called writers ask people in this category to write a paper for them. Really, they do. These are 'lazy' people.

    For writing to become 'easier,' a person must study it. It is best studied through both extensive reading of good books, and through extensive writing of papers and whatever else a writer does, which takes a lot of work.

    I doubt this answer will go over, because I am not taking enough time to write it carefully, but I write it just to agree with you.

    Writing is not now and never has been for 'lazy' people, and it never is as 'easy' as it sometimes seems to be.

    Rewrites are always necessary.

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