
Why is it that people who do not believe in lending money are called stingy?

by  |  earlier

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After all, they have good reason. Many people take advantage of generosity and will start a cycle of taking money from others and not repaying. It ruins many relationships. If they need money they should get a job and earn their own money.




  1. Well they think your selfish for not sharing. Six lashes with a wet noodlel for you. Ahhh! you don't share when they could get a job and get there own money. Oh shame oh shame!!!

    I am with you. I have lost more so called friends. Maybe I better say I lost people over lending money and they don't pay back.

  2. my dad always said - lend it, loose it.

    if you want to give someone something you should be expecting not to get it back! so i dont give!

  3. I don't lend my friends money.  It seems to give them amnesia.

  4. I think the people that are calling them stingy, are the people who are trying to borrow money for either a "silly" reason. Or They really are bad at handling/managing their own money so they call other people stingy. Or it's a combination of both.

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