
Why is it that people with a religious agenda,feel the need2contaminate the scientific fields with propaganda?

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So, I guess what you guys are saying, is that intelligence has it's limits, but stupidity has no limit (From an Ancient Greek aphorism)...




  1. I assume that they are bored and bitter.

  2. Humans have an innate desire to feel that they are "in the know".  We all want to feel that we have an inside track to the secrets of the universe.  

    Religion tries to gain this through intuition and received wisdom, science tries to do this through observation and a "survival of the fittest" of ideas.

    Obviously, religious people are going to feel threatened when they feel that science is contradicting their version of the order of the universe.  The amazing success of science over the last 500 years is bound to make religion a little jealous.

  3. If an answer is posted in the wrong section, they can be reported if they don't address the question asked.

  4. I really don't know what you mean by scientific fields. There are subjects which science is interested in, and there are people who are not scientists, who may or may not be religious, but may have an interest in a particular subject. I really don't understand where you are coming from.

  5. You social scientists think you have it bad? Come over to biology for the 2.34 X 10^23 time someone will ask, " if man descend from apes, why do we still have apes? "

  6. Because they fear science will eliminate the spiritual content of life.You interfere to protect,if someone's bashing up your kid you'll interfere. They see in science a sort of bashing/murder of the mysterious,sacred or spiritual.

    Regardless of whether there is any truth to their beliefs  it sustains alot of people [helps them deal with loss and life] and they will attempt to protect it.

  7. They feel threatened by anything they do not understand, and I've yet to find one religious fundamentalist that understands basic science & scientific inquiry.  Instead of questing for knowledge & understanding, they expect all answers to all questions to come from a pre written religious crib sheet.

    Edit: Hey Jon, if men came from apes, how come them apes is still here?

  8. as the layman says, 'in order to be the man of science, one must lose its religion'.

    Without the prejudice of religion, how is man created? evolution? Remember, these are just theories created by man. Till now, even science couldn't prove our existence.

    I think we must approach this question with an open mind AND respect.

    Religion is not jealous and it does not contaminate the scientific fields with propaganda. If you do your research, writings in these scriptures (bible/quran/torah) do have their scientific proofs.....facts that were written thousand of years ago and only had been discovered recently.

    If you think that religion is nihilistic, at least respect the believers' faith and belief. I repeat, no one is contaminating science with propaganda.

  9. Thats easy to answer

    They have a one size fits all mentality.

    What they fail to understand, is that is a basic communist attribute.  I am not talking about communism as the economic model, but rather the communism that reduces us to worker ants.

    Common sense says we are individuals, but zealots think we need to think like them. Thus, for them, removing our individuality.

    That is how they want to force religion on us.  I don't care if its a Christian zealot, or a muslim one, or any number of different religions scattered around the world.

    If all of them would realize, that there is one basic tenet that is in all religions, atheists included.  The Golden Rule.  If they follow that simple rule, that is the foundation of all religions, that would stop their hate and exclusion, then war would be extremely rare, and helping our fellow man would be common and humanity could move forward.  Right now, we got that reversed, and that, my friend, is sickening.




  10. Some feel honor bound to save you and those you may influence by making sure you don't turn people away from the eternal salvation of their souls, not that I feel that to be necessary.  Many just don't see the coercive techniques employed by some churches for what they are and that is to ensure the survival of the church and not the individual. (JMO)

  11. How far do scientist fall when they fall off their high horses?  Does it hurt scientist so bad to have to mingle with the mindless masses.  The universe has blessed them with superior brains and they must isolate themselves to keep the dirt of the underpaid away from them.  That they might heaven forbid, be presented with ideas outside of their microscopic worlds.  They have incomes that answers their prayers and need nothing else.

  12. I think a lot of the "religious agenda" folks you refer to have no "book learnin'" and therefore are "intelligence challenged" and have a blinkered approach to everything except their individual sense of righteousness.   The idea is to attack that which you do not understand - like lash out at theories etc. and scientific findings that are beyond your level of understanding??? but the thing is if there is an all-knowing God out there he would surely want us to study the world around us and who gave us brains (through evolution??) to wonder about everything and to draw conclusions about what made us what we are today and the planet what it is today and if there is no supreme power then it is all still there to be contemplated.

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