
Why is it that people with borderline personality disorders don't learn from thier past mistakes?

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Why is it that people with borderline personality disorders don't learn from thier past mistakes?




  1. I suggest you study the works of Stanton B. Samenow, Ph. D., a psychologist that identified "Errors in the Criminal Mind".  Most people who do not learn from their mistakes are not actually boderline personality problems, but thought process and execution problems.  This explains why women in a abusive relationship may break away from an abuser and then pass men who are gentle, only to live with another abuser.  It also explains why people who are always in criminal trouble make the same mistakes in judgment over and over.

  2. It is usually not black and white as that. They do learn from some, block out some, and take longer than usual to learn from the rest. You might say that it is a form of an experiential learning disability.

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