My son had been Dx with ADHD when he was 3 yrs old and medicated for it since age 4. We had looked into an IEP for him when he started 2nd grade, but were told he did not qualify for the testing. He did okay in elemetary school because we were fortunate enough to have teachers that worked well with him. He is now in 6th grd middle school and is failing miserably. Upon re-evaulation with his doctor, she told us his grades were not acceptable and he should have been placed on an IEP and/or 504 plan sometime ago. Simply because he has the Dx of ADHD automatically qualifies him for this. After doing some research on how to go about this, I am consistanly hearing that schools will avoid this and will give me the run-around. My daughter's elementary teacher has given me some wonderful advice, but asked that I do not tell anyone that she did as she'd gottin into big trouble for doing so in the past, but why? Aren't schools SUPPOSED give our kids the best edcucation they can provide?