
Why is it that.........?!?!?!?

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Christians seem to be the only ones that ever reply about how god hates us or what we do? im g*y and im sure that god is incapable of hating since he's a "loving" god. not really an issue for me since im a "pagan," according to Christian belief. my gods dont hate on such things!




  1. Jesus himself said, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those that curse you.  Your Father in heaven is kind even to the ungrateful and the wicked, and sends sunshine and rain on the just and the unjust alike".  So clearly such hate comes not from Jesus, but from later misinterpretations or warpings of his teachings.

    I'm a Christian, and I know that God loves you, beloved pagan friend! :)

  2. Kill a person and you're a murderer. Kill many people and you're a conqueror. Kill them all and you're a god.

    Sorry, haven't heard of many loving gods yet.

  3. I'm g*y, too.  I just don't listen to their nonsense.  Just because someone says Santa came to their house last night doesn't mean it is true.

    They're hypocrites.  

  4. Being a Pagan makes life a little easier I agree. However, Christians are so worried about the lives of the rest of us that they don't stop to examine the fact that they are going against the Bible to start with by bashing us every second of the day. My cousins learned that the hard way when I told them I am a L*****n and started in on it. I shot back at them that by condemning me they may as well be g*y too since that is also against the rules. I haven't had a problem since.

    And please don't just capitalize the word Christian. Pagan is just as important.

  5. yah I know what you mean, I see that alot on here, around school, just around basically anywhere. I am a supporter of everyone and I speak my thoughts on g**s, transgendered and everyone else who deserves a voice and i notice alot of the reactions come from people who don't religiously go to church, or read the bible, or pray. Alot of the people I talk to usually say I don't care as long as they don't *express* themselves in front of people. I think it is alot because they have their own special beliefs no matter what god says and most of them take the bible and Christianity in vain. I know quite a couple of Christians who beleive love exists no matter what genders they are between and I think it is really hard to find TRUE good people in this world, but they are out there, thats why i never give into stereotyping and judgment because if I did I would be just like them. And I just try to respect all religions.  

  6. I'm g*y too, and you know what, they need to get the head out of there butts, because god loves everyone. We will NOT go to h**l just because we're g*y. God knows before we are born what we're gonna be or who we're gonna be in life. He already knew BEFORE we were born that we were g*y, he knew before we even knew. So, for all you holly rollers out there got over your self, your the one going to h**l. You holly rollers go to church and practice in church love thy neighbor? Well, your neighbor is g*y, and what do you do? You talk c**p about him/her because their g*y. Most of you holly rollers really creep me the h**l out. You guys are  really scary.

    So, get over your self, because you're no better than me or any other homosexual in this word...

  7. Hi Christian girl here.

    and i dont ever think that God would or could ever hate ANYBODY no matter what. and with todays world I Feel God Accepts g**s.

    Bible verse - God Doesn't judge people on the outside but what  is in their heart.

    that may not be the EXACT wording but thats how it goes, and if u can accept God as ur Savior than i Believe God Will accept u the way u are.

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