
Why is it that.....? ?

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Why is it that people that live in the ghetto, don't just move out of the ghetto, all these people talk about how they grew up in the "streets", well if they don't like it there, then why are they not moving out, I don't get it, I mean I'm sure that they could move out, find a decent paying job and live in the suburbs or an apartment in the NICE part of the city




  1. most of them like it there and they don't want to work....they would rather take the free hand outs and they just keep on taking....

  2.   Sometimes it 's a habit of a life style they're use too. Plus it become a rut. where you can't get out, not enough money to move. Can't get a job because ppl see you live in the ghetto, and auto assume u must be a bad person, that's going to steal. Mom, Dad and sister live there, so it's home. Some do get out though they have to like you say want to and determine to work hard and save enough to move out. Lots of negative  attitudes  due to the fact always think they're nothing and will never be anything that this is their lot in life. It's not true, need to realize  they can search and search with gods help until they find a job that will take them out of that environment  and have to sacrifice for awhile until their goal is reach and be determined don't let the other negative fibes get to them. They need to realize  they are important too. If they like that situation and feel comfortable and don't want to move then that's their choice but shouldn't complain but accept but if want different then do the above. Search out gov. asst. programs that will help them until they can get on their feet.

  3. In order to "get out" you have to earn more money.  That means you either get an education or start your own business or invent something.  If you move out, you may end up in a mostly white environment which many people of color don't want.  They enjoy the people and the social interactions of the neighborhood and the street.  It isn't all bad.  

    Sometimes they don't get support from their families because the families are afraid (with good reason) that their child will move away and act "better" than their own family or be ashamed.  This is a very complex question involving choices, being able to delay gratification,  economics, social and physiological issues.

  4. are you serious? People who live in the ghetto aren't as rich as you, why do you think they live in the ghetto? I watched true life on MTV ''i live in the projects'' and now I can see what it is really like for them. If you ask anybody who lives in the projects if they like it there I bet all of them will say no and don't want to stay there, it is easier said then done. It is like saying you want to lose 100 pounds, you have to work for it!

    Watch this and you will get a better understanding of the projects(ghetto)

    go to true life and scroll down to watch- I live in  the projects one.

  5. Most people can't move out the ghetto because they can't afford too! And they can't afford too because they are not fortunate enough to go to college or get a well paying job! It's not that easy, you sound so ignorant!
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