
Why is it that racists and anti-immigrants tend to be poor or unfinancially stable people?

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I have noticed that those who are well-endowed (economically) are those who tend to 'appreciate' the benefits of immigrants working with the American economy. But those against this familiar system which has kept the economy up (until they cracked down on it) appear to be those who are less fortunate.

Might it be jealousy? This hatred is similar to the anti-foreign sentiment of the 1800's from the Eastern Europeans and the Black Working population after the Civil War....

and it always tends to be the poor whites..Why?




  1. People in the lower social-economic bracket tend to believe others to be responsible for their inability to find employment. Sitting in front of a computer all day does not show a determination to be a contributing member of society.

  2. it's not anti immigrants it is anti illegals .......

  3. Lol,another anti white racist question.

    To answer the question and put things into perspective for you........Those who are well endowed economically appreciate cheap,disposable labor so that they can become even more economically well endowed. Nothing more,nothing less.

    Now I wonder why do you put down poor whites yet want to raise up poor non white illegals? Is this racism and double standards on your part that I'm picking up on or are you just green with jealousy over my lovely,lilly white skin?

  4. Wow.  Your bigotry doth run over!

    By the way.. the illegal aliens are taking American Jobs in the middle class sector left and right.  But also any and all of the lower class jobs that don't require an education that you might want to name.

    What idiot would expect the American People to be happy about that idea?

  5. You must watch "Cops" or Jerry Springer waaaaaay too much.

  6. HappyTee took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't add anymore even if I wanted, too...

    Well, maybe not completely true. I can say that it isn't only "poor whites" that are anti-immigrant or anti-amnesty or whatever name you want to put on it. It is mostly the underprivleged as HappyTee mentioned.

  7. Tom_gpp couldn't be more accurate. His statement in the city  LA alone cost to taxpayers for undocumented immigrants is one billion dollars. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of

    putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.


                  A billion seconds ago it was 1959.


                  A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.


                  A billion hours ago our ancestors were

                  living in the Stone Age.


                  A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

    So if your speaking about illegals. That's alot of money to spend in just one US city for people who are illegal here.

  8. Nice race card.

    so it's the white man that's been keeping you down eh. first it was black people saying that, not hispanics are using that lame excuse.

    Well, I'd rather be the white man keeping you down than some broke racist mexican.

    Look in the mirror paco, white people aren't part of your problem.

  9. Why do you put racists and anti-immigrants in the same category. Most people here believe that criminal is not a race. "We regret to inform you that a illegal alien just blew your kids brains out." Not that uncommon. illegal aliens kill over 10,000 people in the US every year. 95% of murder warrents in LA are for illegal aliens. Do you propose to wait until you get that message before you realize that supporting criminal activities is not a good idea? So while other people die you "appreciate" a criminal mowing your lawn? There is something definitely wrong here!

  10. I see it as a Mixture of both. There are many People that know what it feels like Supporting these Human Beings. Like alot of things in life it's just a matter of Heart or no Heart. We already know from reading the Good Book that it is what GOD want from us. So you can just Picture how this whole Debate got him feeling right about now. Sure Big Businesses is Fighting for the Rights of these Human Beings. But you must realize that many Businesses has been known for doing good Deeds like Bill Gates, Even myself. I'm not doing it to Promote my Business or Self I'm doing it because I'm working for GOD. It's what he wants. I'm also doing it because it's the right thing to do. The Laws that has always been far more Important to me has been and always will be GOD Laws and that is what I'm out here Protecting. I'm making the choice that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fought so hard and Died for. And as I have seen there is alot of Jealousy around this Immigrations thing as it has been when White America didn't want and many of them still don't want Black Americans here. And what I see in Today's Immigrations is "Round Number Two". First it was African Americans now it's Latino Americans. I want my African American People to understand something very Important when going against these Human Beings. They are us and we are them. Think about that before you react. Author, Eddie Smith

  11. The 'mass' of immigrants tend to be looking for low skilled jobs, doesn't take Einstein to see that.

    Thought you were being clever didn't you, welll haha you were p a w n e d

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