
Why is it that really old & young drivers do not know how to brake properly? (this can be very dangerous)?

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I have viewed/been placed in situations where either very young adult drivers or very old adult drivers purposely press their brake in such a way that is either very sudden or very late. What to do to avoid these types of bad drivers? Your Experience ?




  1. look for them--older drivers have a reflex disadvantage and a depth perception disadvantage--younger drivers are inexperienced and easily distracted and over whelmed by the new driving experience--so much happening all at once in both cases.   just look out for the other guy and drive defensively

  2. Perhaps you need to be looking further down the road to anticipate situations.  If you are that close that the braking patterns of vehicles are that much of a threat to you, you are too close, and should have been paying attention to them all along.  There is a reason I am still alive after 43 years of driving.   I can see you coming from behind, both sides, and for a couple of blocks ahead, all at the same time.

    Too many drivers have a "me first" attitude", are overly confident in their own abilities, and have no clue what the limitations and capabilities of their vehicles really are.

    I suggest a defensive driving course.  Actually, I suggest everybody take a defensive driving course, not just you.

  3. Yes it's very true.

    All I can advise is that you can't control what other driver do, and so keep a good following distance between you and the car ahead. Hopefully this other driver has brake lights, eh?

    I always try to keep my focus on what's going on around me. I also teach driver education, which has developed good skills and habits within me. I am very thankful for learning and applying good techniques, because so far I have driven over 4,000,000 milesl without incident.

    Anything can happen at any time, and you have pointed out one of the many driving errors.

    Thank you. We all need to become more aware of our own mortality!

  4. I can sum that up in three words: lack of experience

    I was once a young driver and I drove (and braked) the same way. I think many of us did (those of us who are older, anyway). As I gained more experience, my driving improved. I've been driving now for more than 20 years.

    Kids like this are not necessarily "bad drivers". What they are is inexperienced at driving technique and unsure of themselves. anything else...takes practice. Kids also have a lot of distractions in their cars (like stereos, cell phones, other people in the vehicle and so on) when they need to be concentrating on their driving.

    However, let me point out that this is not just restricted to the very old and very young. People of ALL ages do this but it's for many of the same reasons that you see teens and the elderly do. In addition, the elderly tend to have slower reaction times, which is why most of them drive below the speed limit and in the far right lane of travel. Senior citizens rarely use cell phones while driving or even listen to the radio.

    What you're talking is about is unfortunate but also all too common. It seems that younger people are being turned loose on the roads without enough classroom study and road practice before taking licensing exams. Also, I believe that licensing exams have become too easy for people to pass, leaving more and more people free to drive with minimal training time.

    Scary thought, isn't it?


  5. Older drivers are too safe in many cases

    Younger drivers are just not safe.

    Drive while looking 20 seconds ahead of you.

  6. It's not totally age related. I've seen drivers of all ages do dumb things. And you're no different. Neither am I. We're human and make mistakes. So suck it up and live with it.

  7. REALLY old due to bad judgement/ delayed reaction; young due to inexperience... think about it... Don't you wonder about the rest of the driver's that just don't give a clue or want to?

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