
Why is it that restraunts don't peel cucumbers for salads?

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You peel them at home don't you? Or at least I do. I don't like eaating the peelings. And peeling a cucumber is no big deal. I can understand nto peeling potatoes because that's a pain in the backside...




  1. the reasons that restraunts do not peel them is that they last longer

  2. I love eating the peels on cucumbers. I bet if you asked them they might peel it for you.

  3. Most people I know peel them at home, but I guess most restraunts feel it's not that important to take the time to peel them all.

    I've never seen them peeled at a rest., not even subway, but maybe they peel them at some fine dining rest. somewhere. They sure do taste better peeled.

    And what's your problem peeling potato's? You do use a peeler? We use the same kind for cucumber's, but it usually takes me longer than a potato to peel, because they're simply longer.

  4. I think that restaurants leave the peel on, because the dark green contrasts well with the light green center in a salad.  So, the coloration and the fiber of a cuke peel is pretty and healthful.  

    I only peel portions of my cukes, for family that "require" it, I happen to enjoy the peels.....

  5. the peelings are healthy and they dont bother people much since they cut them so thin. if they were to cut them, the cucmber slices would be flims.

  6. Cucumbers have a very high water content. Most restaurants don't peel them because they do their  prep ahead of time (before service starts)  so things like salads  can  be  quickly assembled when the order comes in and sent out to the waiting customer. Cucumbers that aren't peeled   don't lose their shape and fresh appearance as  quickly  so a chopped unpeeled cucumber  can be stored  for longer and will still look as good at 9pm as it does at the beginning of service.  I'm sure that if you asked nicely that the  kitchen would make a special salad to order for you complete with  peeled cucumbers.

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