
Why is it that rich people can't give away money even £10if u asking them to help.?

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If you happen to meet someone with millions of pounds sitting in a bank,Driving very expensive cars,you talk to him/her you will have a big smile and their can talk to you.but if you say sir/madmam can you please help me with 100pounds only,the smile vanish so fast and they give you a look,and ask you what? why?

They go angry.why?




  1. You do not have to work hard to become rich some people are born into money and some win the lottery etc. Many of them are skinflints and the more money they make the more they want. Money is power and inflates the ego they think most people with very little money are beneath them and they think why should i give away any money to inferior you. There should be  more  a equilibrium in this world.

  2. because most of them worked hard to earn that money and think that you're too lazy to get a job.

    They'll only help if you're raising money for something.

  3. They worked for the money, so why should a rich person just hand you some cash?  Why do you deserve it?  No one handed them money.  

    Get a job.  

  4. Money is everything to them. They spend their entire lives devoted to nurturing their hoard. Then when the end draws near - they panic, and realise they should have concentrated on humanity instead.

    Personally I'm happy being poor, giving what I can to charity, and supporting  Amnesty International.

    Then when the end draws near for me, I'll be happier knowing I made life better for others

  5. because they are republican minded people most of the time

  6. Because most rich people are greedy and idolize possessions. If I had money, I'd be more than happy to help somebody in need.  

  7. Because they've probably worked very hard for their money. Who has the right to ask them for money? Get your own blimming money you scavenger!

  8. How do you think they got/ or stay rich

    greed is no accident

  9. IDK what the British to USA equivalent of 100 pounds is, but I would never have the nerve to walk up to someone no matter what income they have coming in and ask them for anything.  I've always worked hard, I may not have much, but it's mine and I earned it - no one gave it to me and I wouldn't want them to do so either.

  10. Knickers, it's because they are so tight and yes, that is the way they got their money, but I think they could be a bit more beneficial to people who arn't'/ were'nt as lucky as them... They suck.

  11. rich ppl r usually stinchy, y wud u ask a strange 4 money anyway.

  12. because people have either taken advantage of them before and it brings back memories, they could just think that your taking advantage or they could just be really really tight

  13. because theyre not just ''rich'' people they got that much money because they worked ''that'''hard and their money has value just like your money does. their money doesnt grow on trees too, they work so hard to get to those place. nobodys gettin 100 pounds just by asking. and also, thats how they become rich, by saving money. and also by knowing how to control the money.

    it IS a fair some point.

  14. Because there are hundreds and thousands of people, just like you, who want only 100 pounds, and if they gave each of you 100 pounds they would have no money left.  And, when you ask for money they get the feeling that is all you ever wanted from them anyway.

  15. If they gave away money every time someone asked them, they wouldn't be rich for very long, would they?

    Maybe they don't feel they should have to give away money they worked for to someone else just because of a smile.

  16. because they don't HAVE TO help you... regardless of whether they inherited that money or they worked hard for it all their lives, what makes you think that they should give you anything just because you smiled at them and asked for money?

  17. probably being people work hard for their money and it's annoying for people to ask for money . if they help one person they have to help everyone else, and a lot of the time people never bother with other people until they get money .

  18. I didn't get rich by giving my money away to worthless losers!

    Just because I have a lot of money doesn't mean I don't need every penny of it!

    I already donate a lot to charity, my favourites are called Income Tax and VAT.

    (Only joking. Probably.)

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