
Why is it that scotland, wales and england get along, but ireland dosn't?

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like my step dad is welsh and he love the english and Scottish but hate the irish

and my old friends at school hate the irish, the irish aren't to happy with the english.

my ante is up in scotland and she says everyone up they don't like the irish to




  1. your step dad must have some personal reasons because the Irish, Scottish, and the Welsh all dislike the English because in the past England tried to conquer all three many times. If an English loner is to be seen in rural Wales, Ireland or Scotland  it is likely he's going to get beat up. The Irish ,Scottish, and Welsh all are very kind to each other because they are all related.  

  2. Everyone seems to hate everyone else. It's a shame really, as united we stand, divided we fall.

    Personally, I don't have anything against the Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish.

    Who exactly do we like, as a nation?

  3. I'm welsh and think the irish are great.

    I thought scotland, ireland and Wales didn't get along with the english? That is how i have seen it to be.

  4. Scotland, Wales and Ireland get along just fine, but all have had historical issues with the English who through the years tried to supress them. Did you not see the film Braveheart?

    Nowadays there is little hatred towards the English (hate is a very strong word!), mostly friendly rivalry. Look how well team GB did at the Olympics (a team comprising English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern irish).

    The most recent issue is Northern Ireland which is populated with Protestants (who want NI to remain British) and Catholics (who want it to be part of a fully Republic Ireland). this is where most of the tension is these days although it has taken great steps in recent years towards a peaceful future.


  5. I'm English, and I was never aware of any problems. I knew the Irish have problems amongst themselves, but I never knew about any external rifts. I woudl therefore say it depends where you come from, because I'm sure none of my family have an issue against the Irish. I actually quite like them.  

  6. Hate is a nasty word .Your step dad sounds a very sad man . I like the Welsh .  

  7. No you've mixed up completely,

    The Irish, Welsh and Scottish all are great friends and get along with each other their all Celtic in culture, genetics and language, Well Wales is more Celtic in language because more people speak Welsh than what speak Scottish Gaelic and Irish together, but apart from that no they have close close bonds. They all have another thing in common is that they generally don't like England in fact hate them.

    Any Scotsman, Welshman and Irishman would happily support any team playing against England.

    The Welsh would support Al-Qa'ida before England, (If there was a rugby or football team i mean not terrorist. )

    I am welsh and i Will openly admit i get on great with the Irish and Scots and some English people but in general i don't like England or the English.

    We have reason too, Look up history and you'll find out for yourself.

  8. I am aussie with scottish, welsh, english and irish among others decent. My opinion is very cynical:

    The Scottish and Welsh "get along" with the English because the British were successful in destroying most of scottish and welsh culture. Therefore the cultures of all three areas are basically english. In other words... the english brainwashed them.

    The Irish on the other hand were somewhat successful in there crusade for republicanism and independence. Therefore because there are cultural differences they have many disputes. Another reason is the history of violence and war between the Catholics (Irish) and the Protestants (English)

  9. I don't think you should generalise about these things.  

    Your step-dad, aunt and friends may hold these views due to personal experience.

    I live in Scotland, and I don't perceive any dislike of the Irish

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