I've noticed a pattern with men who are teachers. Nearly every single one of them who get married get married to another teacher. In fact, of the ones who I've known personally (beyond school, that is) I can only think of one exception to this.
Obviously, this means that there are a number of female teachers marrying male teachers as well. But this is far from normal. Of course, since women outnumber men as teachers by a substantial number, they can't all be marrying male teachers in the first place.
So why does it seem like most male teachers end up marrying female teachers, but many female teachers don't?
I don't like to get into the "what-if" type questions, but I also have wondered if teachers were split 50-50 between the sexes if most women teachers would be marrying men teachers as well. You hardly ever see people of the same occupation marrying in any other occupation (at least, I don't), so why do teachers?
I have a couple of theories, but I'll keep them to myself for now so as not to influence how the answering goes.
Disclaimer: This question is not meant to offend, be sexist in any way, try to further The Patriarchy or any Great Feminist Conspiracies, or to try to keep anyone oppressed. Thank you for your understanding, and please read the question thoroughly before answering and accusing me of a lot of things I'm not guilty of.