
Why is it that so many people frown upon the use of nannies nowadays?

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Why is it that people attack working mothers and accuse them of being a bad parent for utilizing a service that' s been used since the middle ages? We've made it this far, managed to populate the United States, UK, and various other countries in the world. So what is the problem with a sort of surrogate coming in to aid a working mother?

Why the stigma?




  1. Because most feel parents should be with and raising their children.  It is one thing for the child to be with with a day time nanny during the day, but around the clock nannying  or close to it and the parents are no longer parenting...simply being a paycheck.

  2. its just because some people assume that if you use a nanny, that you are not spending a lot of time with your children and are a bad parent. i dont see anything wrong with it. when i was young, i had a babysitter in the morning and afternoon and they were kind of like nannies to me.

  3. "Why is it that people attack working mothers and accuse them of being a bad parent for utilizing a service that' s been used since the middle ages?"

    The argument you make is a fallacy. It is called the "Appeal to Tradition". It basically says "this is right because we've always done it this way."(1).

    Why is using nannies bad? Because a child should have a close relationship with their parents, not some caregiver.

    Today life is all about careers, and I know some people need to work to feed their kid, that is understandable. But why work if you don't need to? Are you trying to get away from your kid? Do you value work more than your kid? Because that is the message you send to the child, whether you intend to or not.

    Someone must stay home in my opinion. The father, or the mother. It doesn't matter.

  4. The only time I frown upon nannies is when one of the parents is at home.  I've seen a lot of cases where the father has a lot of money, the mother doesn't work, and yet there's a nanny.  I've also seen women going out with their children to the park or something, and the nanny is there.  I don't get that.

    EDIT: Musica

    So, it's only okay if the woman doesn't make you feel insecure or something?  If the woman isn't making THAT much money, then it's okay, but if she has a high-powered career, it's a problem?  What if she's making six-figures a year, hires a nanny (not necessarily fulltime), but she's still a loving mother?  Or can career women NOT be devoted mothers?

  5. because people our jackasses. If you can afford a nanny odds are your child is in no danger of growing up to be a hoodlum.

  6. I don't have a problem with nannies or daycare. I have a problem with those mothers who are sr. executives making well over $100,000 a year and act like they're ordinary people. Not saying it's wrong to have the nanny, I'm saying it's wrong to pretend like you're raising their kids when it's really the nanny doing all the work while they gallivant around the world acting "important."

    There's a big difference between the professional woman who has a fancy-schmancy nanny on call 24/7 and the woman who works as a sales associate or waitress or some other pink collar worker who has to scramble for daycare and worry about getting there before the center closes, or has to deal with various issues when the kid gets sick and can't go to day care.  I was one of the latter.

    LOL @ TOGMITV ..."use" of the nanny hahahaha

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