
Why is it that so many young girls like to make up questions?

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In the span of about 5 minutes I found 2 fake questions, you know the "am I pregnant" "How do I tell my parents i'm pregnant" or "these Kids are dirving me nuts" questions. So my question is why do some many girls like to ask these fake questions, I mean seriously what do they get out of it? Also what do you think it is that we do today that makes pregnancy so appealing to young girls? I love to go back and look at other questions people have asked and I think its crazy how many teen girls actually WANT a baby. Do you think it's something we do today in society that makes them want a baby so bad?




  1. one word juno

    its movies like that, which young girls watch

    and all of a sudden its COOL to have a kid

    dont get me wrong i LOVED that movie

    but just young girls are too imature to watch that as an experience of a girl, and all of a sudden they believe that they have to become like that to be "cool"

  2. Maybe their parents aren't giving them enough attention.  I find it pathetic.  I also catch people lying all the time on here.  When I call people out on it I usually get reported because they are embarrassed.

  3. I dont think pregnancy looks appealing to those young girls who like to post fake questions.  They see what kind of responses they get from people who actually believe them and find it funny.  They are doing it for a laugh, to get a rise out of people, to offend people etc...  

    Unfortunately school is not starting soon enough.  

  4. i think those girls are just stupid....

    like ok being 15 and pregnant is just not the coolest thing ever!!!

    i think they need to just go study and get a freaking hobby or something

    or maybe its there lack of love by there own parents and they need some attention its kind of sad in a way i think =/

    but yeah i totally get what your saying !!!

  5. I'm guessing that some of them aren't even girls...  

  6. i think alot of teens want to have babies because maybe they want to fill a void. maybe their parents aren't around as often as they would like them to be or maybe their parents dont show them positive love only negative love so they do what they can do get attention from their loved ones.

    i think its sad and i think these girls need people to be role models for them and help make them feel better about themselves

    we shouldnt ridicule them only try to help them talk to them and teach them whats better for them.

    i think they also try to have babies because they see how happy it makes women who do have them. so thats what they want is to be happy.

    the fake questions are probably asked because like i said they want people to pay attention and even negative love to them is good enough.

  7. They want attention. And with all the media attention and so manyyy people getting pregnant lately they probablly think its some fun glamorous thing to do.

    And no not all of them do it for attention , but a lot DO.

    But yea , Those questions annoy the c**p outa me!

    thanks for posting this question cause if it wasn't for you i eventually would have. lol.

    and i agree with the person who said something about the juno movie.

    i mean yes in the movie she has some struggles , but nothing that really showed what it was REALLY like. It made it look 'cool'.

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