
Why is it that so often when you disagree with someone here who happens to come from the USA?

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You get hit by the accusation that you hate the USA, or that you are picking on the USA, or that you are jealous of the USA?

It is NOT about the USA, it is about debating other individuals and if we disagree with an individual's opinion, irrespective of their citizenship, it is not necessarily an attack on their entire nation.

Rather than debate on the merits of a point, it more often than not degenerates into the "how dare you insult the USA"

I don't hate the USA, I actually rather like both the country and the people, so come on guys and girls, tell us why it has to be like this please?




  1. you know, just pick one, freedom of speech, everyone has an opinion, not everyone will agree with you on everything, to each his own. some people just haven't learned " agree to disagree." and move on.

  2. American are always self-centric and ignorant of other!

  3. Here in Philippines, the main reason is in our history.

    During the hispanic times, our heroes fought well for our country to have freedom. And when we are about to get that liberty, America then came to the scene and declare a war with Spain. So Philippines, being it a province of Spain at that time, became a part of America.

    Another thing is that in WWII, we Filipinos fought side by side with Americans. But after the war, America gave a greater aid in Japan more than the Philippines. Considering that Japan is America's foe during the war.


  4. We're so used to being hated, we expect it.

    Heck,half the people who "say" they love the USA & are from it - are lying.

    I know 2nd year immigrants who are all "what happened to this country" - and I ignore them too just cus mommy Hm there's no nice way to put it - let's say she didn't come here legally

  5. u should read some of the posts that clearly,without saying it hate usa.why, i do not know and dont really give a rats a$$

  6. The Yanks think they are the ****!! i like seeing them fail, it soundz mean, but people who think they are all just love to watch them drop the batten twice eh?....

  7. A lot of American people are ashamed of themselves , We in America call them liberals

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