
Why is it that some men get angry at the few women who think of men as good for nothing but sperm donation?

by  |  earlier

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But turn around and express the opinion that women are good only for cleaning, and getting pregnant. State that they lack intelligence, logic etc. Then wonder why many women get bitter?




  1. my moms bitter and says hes nothing than a sperm donor cuz hes a deadbeat father. and im pretty sure that if woman werent around on earth men woulod be lost and wouldnt know what to do lol

  2. men dont get angry at this comment. We know we are superior. Its written all over history books.

    Only women get angry when we call them weak; cause its a fact.

  3. I disagree with your statement.  Women are good for b.j.'s and cooking too.  And now with all this equality c**p, they can be used for cutting grass and shoveling snow too.  I for one, love women and treat them very well.  I only own one at a time and I let her drive and talk and wear make up.

  4. I think you answered your own question.  There are men who get angry at those few, ignorant women, just like there are women who get angry at those few, ignorant men you mention.  Most of us, though, realize that we need each other for a lot more than just procreation and recreation.

  5. Some people say such stupid things and some people get angry irrespective of their gender.

    We shouldn't say such things in this forum except with valid arguments

  6. It's called hypocrisy.  But do you really think either person with such a horrid view of one s*x or the other is even worth their weight in the filth they spew?  Of course not.  So why buy into their trolling?

  7. How would you feel about men who only think of women as good for nothing but sperm receptacles?

    Who wouldn't get angry at such chauvinism, on either side?

  8. Both theories show disrespect.  

  9. Because they are just a bunch of mysogonists/woman-haters plain and simple. They feel threatened by just one comment, then express a revenge opinion, and then wonder why women get bitter. I see it commonly done on this forum, more than any where else.

    Celebrating the Feminine (Char): Exactly. Although women are oppressed much more than men, mostly in Eastern civilization now a days, in Western society the pendulum is now getting equal, so we see inequality both ways. When men feel inequality towards them, they are more likely to disrespect women in some ways. When women feel inequality, well same thing only they will disrespect men in some ways.

    edit: the comment up above my response to Char's is for men like dsds or cassius. I'm not talking about normal men in Western civilization. Although men in Eastern civilization can be a lot like that, especially in the Middle East and Africa. My response to Char's comment is also another reason why a guy may do this, but not actually be a mysogonist/woman-hater.

  10. Dont think any view is right, or respectful to either gender.

    If he is giving a response to "men are only worth sperm" I can hardly blame him.

    Someone says women are only good for cleaning and s*x/babies, I'm going to come back with something to.

  11. Your question is based on an Erroneous assumption:

    only men who believe that women are good for s*x /cleaning get angry at women who say that men are only good for being sperm donors

    Thats wrong, men who are involved fathers and husbands are much more likely to get angry at such a comment

  12. Sorry, what exactly are the women bitter about? i may a have missed the point

  13. some people aren't able to see both sides of the story, because they are biased themselves. both assumptions are prejudiced.

  14. I think some men express sexist views BECAUSE they feel that men are treated unequally. If more men felt that they had equal rights and were valued as parents, then they'd be more inclined to give women the same respect.

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