
Why is it that some people are only happy if they are excluding someone, or belittling someone?

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Why is it that some people are only happy if they are excluding someone, or belittling someone?




  1. because some people are so miserable that the only way they can be happy is to spread the misery around.  it's born of insecurity, i.e., the only way they can feel good about themselves is to make others feel bad.  it's about them, not about you.

  2. low self esteem, they feel the need to put others down to feel better about themselves

  3. Because they think that excluding someone from a group or whatever makes that particular situation or group more secluded and harder to get into. Making it more wanted because it is so picky about who it lets in. Belitting others makes people feel better about themselves. It gives them a way to point out another person's flaws so that they may hide their own. Basic spychology, sadly. Best thing to do is kill a person with kindness. If someone is treating you in a negative way, be nice. I swear it works. Because it confuses them. It also gives them no other reason to continue what they're doing because it's outwardly not affecting you. Reverse spychology isn't a myth. It works when you know how to do it right.

    -Later Gator-

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