
Why is it that some people fault feminism for emotional double standard......?

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I've seen some people on here fault feminism for allowing girls to be more "boyish" (emotionally) but yet not letting boys be more "girly" (emotionally), such as the whole thing about boys being told to "be a man" and not to cry. However, most of the times the person telling the boy to "be a man" or to stop crying is another man! Why is feminism being faulted for something that men are telling their sons/brothers/nephews/etc? It's not feminists telling boys not to cry and to "be a man", it's other males (high majority of the ones saying it are non-feminist males), so why do some try to fault feminism for emotional double standards?

(Do realize I said some people, I know those are among the minority, but I'm still just wondering what must be going on in those people's heads)




  1. scientifically speakin, its proven tat women are better handlers of emotion dan men...but men aer not allowed to show it out coz they supposed to b tough.... the classical ex of male ego. on the other hand, women tend to display their feelings thru actions, lik cryin, wereas men are more vocal...  im nt very sure on this but i made a small conection here...remember those days wen boys had to under go an initiation ceremony to prove to the world that they are men? durin such rites, the boys wer considered brave n capable only on finishing the task witout a flich /tear.. mayb that idea has been handed down the centuries n cryin is mostly attributed to be a female quality.. guess dats y men say to other men "be a man"... isnt it much better tat men remain men??i mean, imagine how diffclt it wud for us women to encounter a cry baby evry time we reject proposals ;)

  2. "My little brother has become a feminized little wimp thanks to you feminists! And now I'M telling him to be a man! Why do you feminists always make men do this? Shouldn't we be ALLOWED to do all that girly c**p you do? d**n YOU TO h**l, FEMINISTS!"

    Yeah, THAT makes sense.

  3. Most people wanting boys / men to toughen up are anti-feminists who want to return to 'natural' gender roles - so why it is associated with feminism at all, I don't know :-)

  4. Well as a bloke, and I realise that this situation varies according to culture and location, all the male gender role stuff for me came from my mother and female teachers!  I have never, even at 35, had a man limit my emotional expression with "be a man" commentary like I have experienced from women.  These are the same women who empower girls to be as masculine as they choose to be.

    So I will chalk this one up to feminism.  Sorry if you disagree, but child behavioural psychology and educational gender studies is one of my areas of expertise, and ii IS the mothers and female teachers who have the strong negative impact on boys in this area, rarely the fathers/father figure.

  5. must be that male logical thinking again :-) (as most of the time it seems to be male anti-feminists saying this)

  6. Who said people were logical? Obviously people who fault feminism for how society in general (not feminists) treat boys and men are not logical. Feminists believe in equality-so we'd be the last to tell a boy or girl how they're suppose to act as a boy or girl. These people prefer to believe in emotional double standards as they don't want to admit that the behavior they deplore is the result of sexism displayed by non and anti-feminists-not displayed by feminists. Who better to blame for sexism than feminists-it couldn't possibly be people who know nothing about feminism or actually hate it and work against feminism...but it is.

    btw: Just because you're female does not mean you're a feminist-my mother and father and the majority of male and female teachers I had were sexist and enforced rigid gender roles-they were anything but feminists!

  7. they just want gender stereotyping behaviour,therefore they enforce it from young and resent anyone who resists it

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