
Why is it that some people seem to invite conflict into their lives?

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Do you think it's because the drama is stimulating? You know, like a needed change for people who get bored easily?

It's like they don't seem to know why they do it when you ask them why they do.




  1. Unresolved Karma, a poor attitude, low self-esteem, and innate pessimism. Like attracts like, What you resist persists, What goes around comes around. You've heard all the cliches. All were borne in truth. Positivity, altruism, confidence rarely attract conflict.

  2. Ahhh... the torturous drama of life!

    For some people, I think it's a form of addiction, like a certain type of adrenaline junkie.

    What better way to feel that they're ALIVE, then to be feeling each emotion (anger, despair, etc -whatever fits the situation) as intensely as possible.

    It must be even more 'satisfying' with the belief that all eyes and minds are on them. That they are the center of attention, the center of the universe, even.

    Of course, we're just talking about SOME people here. The true drama queens and kings of the world!

  3. I think that yo have "hit the nail on the head". For the most part people do invite conflict-most do not realize it though. Yes, drama is stimulating but everybody has certain "truths" that they live by-those things they believe that serve as the magnet for what happens in their lives. Example: if someone believes within themselves that they get love and attention when they are sick-when they need love and attention (which we all do), they create sickness. If they get to a place particularly needy or vulnerable, they create sickness on a large level.

    So a woman, who is lonely , although not alone in her life-she does for everyone around her but at the end of the day she feels unfulfilled.  She develops cervical cancer.

    This is not to blame anyone-it's just to state that we as people have power-we are not mere victims of our circumstances. We have the power to change things.

    You were exactly right, 'they don't seem to know why they do it", but that doesn't mean that they do not do it. Ignorance does not exempt us from this spiritual law-from this reality.

    We have the ability and indeed the responsibility to learn about our God-given power to change-to transform.So, in essence if we can create chaos, we can create peace. If we can create bad, we can create good.

    Thank you for your question. It is a very powerful question that most people are afraid to answer. A true sense of our own power can be scary.

  4. that's part of it. the other is if they create a conflict, they can manipulate others into correcting it.

    yes they don't "seem to know", as denial is part of what makes it work.

  5. its like an addiction to some people.Every one has an addiction of some sort or another rather they realize it or not,and conflict is a big addiction,it gives an adreniline rush at times and people thrive on adreniline.

  6. I have a bad habit of creating drama. I do it primarily to watch people and see what they will say or do. It is terrible, but I find it oddly fun even if it is twisted in a way. Life can get so dull and routine. You have to spice it up a little bit. Some people claim to hate drama, but I think that you would find that if there was none of any sort life wouldn't have the same meaning and thrill that it does with the drama included.

  7. i beleive some people do it on purpose and others are just very nieve and make bad choices which bring conflict into their lives constantly!

  8. sometimes they are impetuous and make quick, bad decisions that result in conflicts.

    bad problem solvers that let things escalate or blow them out of proportion

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