
Why is it that some people talk from there a*** sorry for my language ?

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last night I was drinking with friends and I said "you know I don't hate anyone just this one person but I am trying not do and I will learn not to" and then my husbands cousin says what "didn't you hate her" and pointed at his wife, and I was like what the... which is a false claim. Then he said "oh no not her I meant that person". What??? Get a life should I just shun these people out of my life period? Have you ever lost Friendships because of there negativity? Is it really the right thing to do? Please help your opinion on this.




  1. lol i think your husbands' hilarious

  2.    I might applaud your feelings for thinking you're trying not to hate, but not saying it outloud. HATE is as strong an emotion, and as illogical as Love.

       To answer just to the question though, I offer an old quote, but have to paraphrase it.

       "It's better to let others "Think" you a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it."


  3. Depends how you look at it, you call it negativity, they may call it telling it the way it is!

  4. could it have been the alcohol talking??? just a thought.

  5. My opinion to you is best to move on if u feel such negativity toward them then go with your gut... people like that always give negative vibes.  

  6. dunno, doesnt make sense....are you drunk still?

  7. Don't ask people to drink and think.

    The way you judge folk sounds akin to hate to me, though.

  8. Because that's where their head is.

    Ignore them if you can. Those type of people tend to feed off of confrontation.

  9. Perhaps the cousin was being sarcastic

    he really meant she hates YOU

    Just have little to do with them and anyone else who is this way towards you

    i have cut lots of people off this year because their 'friendship' is too negative.

    People in general i find love to brag how many friends they have, when in-fact most of the time they leave you feeling down, don't understand you or LEAVE YOU.

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