
Why is it that some women say that they want a good guy, and then intentionally date cheaters and abusers?

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We're not talking about someone who seemed like a good guy at first, and then changed. We're talking about you knowing right-up-front that the guy is scum, and you STILL date him on purpose.

Is that a lack of self-esteem? A delusional belief that he can be "changed"? Denial that "he's not that bad"? Justified because "he wears nice shoes and rides a Harley"?

Then these women have the nerve to whine about how terrible things are. Why is this? Don't they understand how hypocritical they are? Do they enjoy being a victim and a martyr?




  1. Yes, most women find the "bad boys" attractive. I've found that usually the bad boy thing loses its novelty and the women turn to the "nice guys" when they want to get serious about a relationship. Then again, yes, there are ALWAYS women who go out with a**holes and then expect sympathy. Don't even bother with them.  

  2. You Are Right.


    By the way, my ex. had been his crosses done every single night before having asleep his eyes. And the time I was not in his bed, just for 5-month occupied with a building-site (his), it was enough for him to go away ...

    What does it mean to you a GOOD Guy?

    I knew he wasn't entirely the one I wanted to be near myself, but we are always choosing from the multitude of characteristics of a person for those we consider being the most desirable for us.

    Are you a WISE, intelligent guy? Not necessarily witty, and no way a foxy guy? Then, I would say you are a Good Guy, maybe, for me as well as for any other woman.



    What idea would you have about a woman perfectly built, wearing something like these:

    A bad one?

    A good one?

    Sincerely !?

    As long as she has no eyes but for YOU !?

    So, what does it mean BAD or GOOD after all?

    ... ... ... ... ... ...

  3. Women really do want a nice guy but then when they have one " he's just to nice" and then they breakup. Women want a nice guy but they are driven to the bad asses. Women think that when a guy cheats on a girlfriend with them that he wont do it to her, because she has the wool over her eyes. Its lust. And then when they actually get into a relationship and he is cheating on her she cant leave because she is to far in and just loves him to much. Some women are truly stupid. Sometimes i wouldnt doubt that it has to do with low self esteem because if a women can find someone that likes her alittle she will feel better about herself, wether he cheats or not. This question has so many different types of answers and it will never get solved. This will always happen.

  4. Your second paragraph rings true to a degree.  But you need to add that these "bad boys" also have qualities that women love.  They're arrogant, they're funny, they don't show any traits of being needy towards the woman, they're confident.  And the list goes on.  Unfortunately so many men fall into the bad boy or the niceguy wussy boy category so pickings are slim for women.

    Really more guys need to fall into the gentleman category that has the good traits of both the bad boy and the niceguy.  Or more accurately, a bad boy that doesn't treat women like c**p, but doesn't come off as needy or clingy.  Has confidence.  And attracts women with the arrogant humor they love.

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