
Why is it that sometimes...?

by Guest57436  |  earlier

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sometimes..we dont accept the truth?? we know that something is finally finished,still we dont wanna accept it..its wierd how we start living in a fantasy..something our mind knows but heart doesnt wanna accept that fact..

ever happened with you??

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  1. Its all about life, everything in life is not controlled by us. There are invisible and allmighty power which controls the world and every moment of each individual. We must try to control our heart and let the control be with mind.  Whome the God has given the upper position.

  2. Because to accept the truth may mean that everything we thought our life was is just a lie and that's hard.  You lose direction and wonder what you were thinking.  Some things are hard to accept.  Find yourself and your own voice.  And has happened to me, but here I am living my life according to me and that's all that matters.  

  3. We all know truth is bitter!

  4. Yes ...............its really hard to swallow the truth sometimes .

  5. I don't know why. Life requires a little faith to live. You have to trust yourself sometimes.

  6. This happens because truth, reality can hurt. Reality can disappoint us. Some thing may be difficult to accept and so, not to fall apart, we activate this defense mechanism and we start living in an illusory world.

  7. Because it's a fact that sometimes, or rather MOST of the times, we NEED that illusory world to get us by living out our day to day failures, which some of us face in our lives, & possibly this serves as an escape route to all that. Proverbially,the last straw, which we all cling to, & THAT which no one can deprive us of.  

  8. I guess it happens with everybody sometime or the other. When you start to live in your fantasies, then the facts or principles you accepted before dont look connected to the daily life. Basically, your decisions are clouded and if you start living with it, you will start having confusions in everything.

    They say, to solve a confusion, stay away from the confusion. I guess keeping yourself away from the confusion will help you solve it sometime down the line.

  9. yes it has...i dont know...i guess its nature

  10. When we don't accept the truth its called living in a dielmma.

    More  over its easy to comment upon one's conditions for dielmma.., but only he/she know's what are the reasons if he is in dielmma.

    When someone is in dielmma he will never accept advice of any one unless he suffers its consiquences, in most of the cases say in about 99% there is always -ve results.

    Its a long debate/discussion... in brief we should make our selves so strong that they don't put major effect over our life.

    We should try to forget the things easily.

  11. i don't accept this question

  12. yes even i feel....i think that u r not confident about ur self,it is the confidence which makes u feel like a wall and no one can break it when u r sure about it..but when u see the truth u think that u were a fool and very self confident etc etc...and u feel that u should not make the same mistake as before.So u r not confident about ur self this time as u were before.You feel that u r confident about some thing but somewhere in ur heart says that ''no''.So u dont want to make the same mistake.Therefore that feeling removes ur half confidence and u feel that ''no it is not over yet....''

  13. sometimes means never . you will have no any responsibility when you accept  to use word sometimes.

  14. yes, it's still happening to me right now,...

    i don't want to accept the truth coz i know it hurts and i'll just cry over it, knowing i can't do anything to get it back

    it's kind of a cover-up to hide the pain and pretend we're happy

    living a lie

  15. Because u dont want to change ur truth...

    What u believe is truth clashes with reality...

    The truth is that everything changes... Everything that begins, has a peak, then dies...

    U have to accept this fact, and live with it, and enjoy more and more those around you, because tomorrow u actually may never see them again... for good...

    When our so called truth is shaken by reality, we try to protect it by escaping into fantasy and live / relive our truth there...

    If for example, I visualize a relationship beautiful as in the beginning, I will have hard times, not only when I will fight with that girl, but also when we will separate....

    It is better to be accustomed to the hardest truth u can hadle. The harder the truth, the more stable it is..

    The more stable a truth is, the longer it will resist...

    I guess change will always be present.. so if you integrate this concept in your mind, you will feel always happy:P :


  16. It most cases the truth can hurt. And yes it has happened to me. I guess at some point it will happen to everyone. The reason we start living in an illusion is because we want to know what it would be like if everything was a dream. But when it's real life, it's a different story. It hurts and all you wanna do is block the negative feelings. Like someone said above, it's just nature.  

  17. Reality may be Harsh but accept the positives out of the reality, learn the mistakes, manage with what you have today and work for tommorow. Still not satisfied make a small change in yourself ... It would reap you good benefits.

    In short run it may be difficult but in long run you may enjoy it

  18. There is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is.... When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate the truth, we are in alignment with reality..... At the same time, we can be patient with people who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be.... Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it

  19. It's simple,

    we don't accept the truth because the truth we hear is not what we want to know

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