
Why is it that teachers are graduates of the local, looked-down-upon community college? Why am I not taught by

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The education system has sadly become a piece of corrupt garbage. Riddeled with teachers who pick favorites, teachers who hate children, teachers who plainly cannot teach. I say rebel, but that is mostly because I'm a rebellious person with a hatred of the school system. Teachers can determine a students' future with by simply adding a "-" to a grade. Propelling it from a perfect "A" to a GPA lowering "A-". I personally have had teachers that rounded 89.1 into a 90. And a teacher not rounding an 89.9 into an "A". Have you ever realized the pressure a teacher has? A simple mistake to miscount the grade on a final, can completely change their grade, and their GPA, and their college transcript. With all this pressure, I only have one question to ask...




  1. Your concept of a teacher does not fit mine at all and I have taught for over 20+ years . The teachers I know are more that willing to go the extra mile with any and all students . They work very long hours , ignoring their own family , to work with kids that need help . Hate kids? You could not be further from the truth, they love kids . Do you know what you are rebelling against ? It does not seem to me like you do , because after 20+ years , I can trutfully say that I have only known a handful of teachers that fit your description and they did not last long . You remind me of a friend of mine that thought teachers were overpaid because as he said , we only worked 9 months and in school we only worked six hours a day and we were done ! He thought this for years and one day he asked me to come by his house and help his son do a research paper. I agreed to do so and went over to his house that nigt . We worked for 2-3 hours a night for a week to  get that paper ready to turn in. My friend asked if I did this for every one of my students and when I replied yes I did for all 125 of them , he said " Man I really owe you an apology , i was totally wrong .

    I know you thing you are right , but I wish you would take one class period in a day for about a week and shadow a teacher . You will quickly find how srong you are . Teaching is a calling by God and I truly believe that . There are however , some teachers that fit your description , but they do not last for long . And we do all this work for the lowest paying salary in any profession . Yes , teachers are professional . I hope this helps you, good luck and God bless

  2. Oh, poor, poor you! Give me a break. You sound just like I did back when I was in high school. You know what I finally figured out once I matured and stopped thinking the universe revolved around me? You are in control of what grades you get. You cannot be lazy and expect teachers to hand out grades. 99.99% of the attitudes you get from your teachers are self-inflicted. If you go in with a bad attitude (and I'm guessing you do since you call yourself a "rebel"), your teachers are not going to kiss your hiney and beg you to cooperate.

    Now, having said all that. If you do truly have a situation where a teacher has made a mistake in grading your work, you need to be mature enough to go talk to them in a rational manner. If that doesn't work, you go to the principal. If the principal is no help, go to the Board of Education. If you feel you are being mistreated, it is YOUR responsibility to speak up. Ranting on the Internet to strangers will do nothing to improve the situation.

  3. I'm not sure I totally understand your question.  Your teachers are graduates of the local, looked-down-upon community college?  That may be, but community colleges don't give bachelor's degrees and every teacher has to have at LEAST a bachelor's.  Most of my colleagues also have master's degrees.  

    You are not a "rebel."  You are just a typical, average, run of the mill student.  It's too bad that you hate the school system.  I would bet cash money that you have had many teachers who worked their arses off for you and cared about you and helped you and it's all for nothing because you don't appreciate any of it.

    But, we still show up to work 5 days a week, knowing that most of our clientele feel exactly the way you do.  It's hard to face 250 kids a day, most of whom hate you and actually believe that you, the teacher, want to make them, the students suffer.  

    I want the best for my students and I work hard for them.  If a student is getting an 89.0 percent, I will consider that student's effort and attitude.  Maybe I'll bump it up, maybe not.  I would never give a student with an 89.9 average a B!  The rules of rounding whole numbers wouldn't permit me.  I am a professional.  I take my job, my calling, very seriously.

  4. AHAHAHA, it's so funny that you ask this question and then teachers get so defensive and start trying to talk all intellectually.  I went to the University of Michigan and you're 98% correct, not only do teachers go to lower level universities, but they go through simple programs in those universities.  Master's degrees for education can be obtained for going to a church once a week for 9 weeks.  So I decided to get a Master's in Chemistry (I teach chemistry...) instead and people are always like, why don't you just get a simple master's to get your pay raise.  

    Teachers, and the majority of adults do not buy into education themselves and are largely hypocritical by telling students to do so.  

    The reason why this occurs is because there is little selection for teachers, if we got paid higher salaries you'd see the top people going for teaching jobs.  Teachers would argue that you want people there for passion and ideals, not a paycheck, but it's not exactly working out for us currently (see Detroit), plus a large majority of teachers now are just there for a paycheck anyways.  

    This is systemic too, lower level education programs get larger numbers and this leads to them getting higher rankings when they do nothing but mass produce a range of teachers from incredible to terrible centering around mediocre.

  5. If you are reading our answers, thank a teacher.  Because our answers are in English, thank a soldier.

  6. I am a bit confused as if you are empathetic towards teachers are full of angst.  I think you may benefit from making this decision yourself.  Quite frankly I am a pretty fair teacher, though I am far more concerned with my student's progress rather than what letter they get on their paper.  My "A", may be very different than another teacher's "A", especially if I am doing a good job of teaching and not just making kids memorize and spew out facts....but that would be silly in first grade.

    I have no doubt that there are corrupt teachers out there.  Those who pass the school board member's daughter or the star athlete.  But most are not.  Often times the respect you get from a teacher is very much dependent on what you give.  If you are rebellious and have a prejudice, this may be difficult for you to give respect and therefore get it in return.

    We all work for and do things we thing are simply pointless and stupid.  Sadly part of life is jumping through the hoops to get what you should only be part of it though.

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