
Why is it that teen pregnancy is accepted in America?

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I ask this question as a Father of Four and what I have seen on Yahoo Answers from other parents.

IE: I am 16 and having a baby, I don't know the father because I have slept with many men. How can I locate the father for child support?

And the majority of the responses are: Con-grads on your Baby,or That's so Great!!!

Is a Teen getting pregnant now accepted in today's society or this is just the new Fad?




  1. i never say that on here. i only see people yelling " your fault you should have not had s*x if you could handle getting pregnant"

    people look down on teen mothers or teens that are going to be mothers but the dumbass thing is they blame the school the media

    but these wimpy parent won't talk to there kids about the pros, cons, good, bad, and ugly of s*x. parents what to have childern but not be a parent they want schools do all the work so they (the parents) won't have to feel responsible for what happens to the kids.

    i say we put  s*x ed about all the facts, saying you should wait until your out of school and if possible married but please use safe protection. tell they everything and let the teens be a adults and make the right choice. then they can only blame themselves

  2. I would never congratulate a teen on getting pregnant.

    I look on them with pity as they do not know what they are getting into.

    they need help and support. It is too late once they are already pregnant nothing you can do only offer support and try to help them make the right decisions for themselves.

  3. the only reason its getting accepted, is because there is nothing to do about it except educate, and use safe s*x methods, so once your pregnant, what else are they going to say? good going s**t? (that was an example, it wasnt meant to be offensive)or congratulations? and why the h**l are you getting pregnant and then asking this? does that make any logic at all???!!!!! so really i think people are just saying that because they dont feel like being a douche bag to you, or they really think that, or they cant think of anything else to say!  

    oh and by-the-by im 15 so dont think this is some weird old person telling you this...

  4. teen pregnancy isn't good.. at all. But its just going to keep happening.

  5. actually its not and i have not seen any questions like that one

    i've seen girls asking what their supposed to do since their pregnant and i definatly dont see anyone saying congrats. they may say good luck. just to give them hopes that their life isnt completely ruined even though it is if you keep the baby. unless you have an insaneeee good support system.  

  6. I agree with you 100% It's a new fad.

    Surprisingly there is only one pregnant girl at my high school. I was so shocked when I saw her today in P.E.

  7. i swear in the UK its like a right of passege or somthing

  8. you know where the first answer [natasha] is coming from, i mean like it or not teenagers are having s*x. no matter how much ppl preach to them " dont have s*x" " wait until your older/marrried" teens are NOT  going to listen.

    so i dont think teen pregnancy is accepted, more like the fact that teens are having s*x- ppl are starting to accept that, so its better to protect teens from getting pregnant then to try to ignore the fact theyre having sexq or trying to convice them not to, its not going to happen.

    So basically im saying that ppl accept that teens are havin s*x and are trying to protect them from getting pregnant

    yup yup

  9. It's a bit more than a fad, it's a trend. Unfortunately.

    What's even odder is that while teen s*x and teen pregnancy are broadly accepted, teen marriage has become ANATHEMA. The general attitude seems to be "I'll put up with teen s*x and teen pregnancy, but getting married at that age is JUST WRONG!"

    What a place to draw the line. The horses got out of the barn, so we must shut the barn door immediately! Never mind that the baby will have greater financial security if its parents are married, even if the marriage fails down the road.

    It's not the babies that are the problem. It's the teen s*x. It's the childish magical thinking on the part of those teens, who have saturated with sexual imagery since their childhood. Don't even breathe the words "protected s*x" to me in their defense. Protection fails for hundreds of people every day in this country. If they weren't having s*x that young in the first place, they wouldn't be relying on the false security of "protection".

  10. Its happening more *because* its accepted.

    Think:  If teens were educated about s*x, and how they could almost always get pregnant, but you had to be a certain age to buy condoms and other forms of birth control, teens wouldn't be stupid enough to do it.

    If contraception isn't available to them, but they know all about it, they wont do it.

    I'm not just anti teen pregnancy, I'm against teenager, and premarital for that matter, s*x

  11. I don't accept it, i am against it. There is no reason for a teen to become pregnant when there are so many birth control methods out there and they can get it free at the health department. I think it is a shame that they would purposely get pregnant just to hold onto a guy.....FYI does not matter how many kids you have with someone no kid is going to make a guy stay with you.

    If i had a kid for that reason i would be so ashamed of myself and feel so pathetic. Everyone feels sorry for teens who get pregnant but i am one person that does not feel sorry for them. They knew what they were doing when they laid down and did not use birth control. If people would stop helping them out i think less and less teens would get pregnant.















  13. Technically it is not accepted and people dont consider it a fad, teenagers consider themselves "grown-up" when they commit to a serious relationship, usually ending up in a sexual ordeal. The fact of the matter is that they are being "grown-up" and responsible for having the child instead of getting an abortion, they are dealing with the consequences, yes they may rely on the aid of their parents but that is the glory of birth, you never give up. and hopefully the girl who got pregnant will be able to share her experience and tell her peers that it is not "cool" to throw your current hopes and dreams away for new ones that revolve around a baby.

  14. Because not all teen parents are s***s and sleep with 50 people.

    Because a lot of teen parents are still with the father, love their child very much, are able to finish school and go to university/college, are able to support their child financially 100% without help, are not on assistance, and are able to make a life for themselves and their child.

    If you haven't figured it out already, i'm talking about myself in that last paragraph. Many teens do it!

    It isn't really accepted. We have people like you looking down on us all the time. The way I look at it is you take the time to talk about me, that just means i'm already the bigger and better person when I let it go in one ear and out the other.

    If I ran out and had an abortion, you all would be the first one to say something about it.

    Go on and give me the thumbs down everybody.You are only doing it because you don't want to hear it. You refuse to believe that there are many adults that are horrible parents.


    When little 12 and 13 year olds are having kids, I certainly don't agree with it. I think that is disgusting. Just wanted to clarify that.

    I was also on birth control and had protected s*x. I wasn't running around trying to get pregnant. Believe it or not, a lot of pregnancies aren't planned...ooh wow...

    A lot of us are educated you know. We all know how babies are made, we all know what happens when we have unprotected s*x, etc.

  15. The case is not that teen pregnancy is accepted it is the lack of truth in teaching. I'm sorry but I don't think that it is good for schools to be pro abstinence. Now don't get me wrong I think everyone should wait for the right person but, why are schools don't drive drunk? This is because they know they can't stop kids from drinking. But why do they believe that it is okay to just say don't have s*x. I believe they should be pro birth control instead of ani-s*x because as most people know not to many people in high school are virgins. In fact almost 50% of teens have a sexual encounter from around the age of sixteen. We are in a changing society. 40 years ago was it okay for g**s to demonstrate there love? and 40 years ago was texting the new communication? This is all new. Also, many years ago if a teen became pregnant she was encouraged to get an abortion legal or illegal. Today many of Americans are pro life at conception. You being a man do not know the felling of a woman when they find out they are pregnant. A living being inside of you is just a concept that you are astonished with. Many teens are mocked and picked on in school making it unacceptable.

    Trust me.

  16. I disagree with teens having s*x, but once their pregnant their in enough trouble without everyone critizing them. Just tell them what to do in the futire and I keep my opions to myself.

  17. It's not really "accepted", but it's happening more and more.

    And if they're already pregnant, there's not much to do but say congrats or good luck or whatever.

  18. I don't think it is accepted and i think it still has some stigma, i for one don't think its a good to do and think that they should be more careful and i always preach to them they should wait to be with someone they really love. Got to admit it is rife at the moment though and i don't know what can be done to stop it.

  19. Its not really accepted. Its just that what kind of an answer would be.

    Well sucks for you, learn to stay pure.

    That wouldn't be a good answer. It isn't a fad its just happening, and now with the media, and all reports of it happening teens are saying if they did it, i can do it too.

    I can see how i just litteraly told you that it is a fad but it really isn't!  But don't you wanna be supportive? If you brought them down what if they got an abortion? It would be worse.  

  20. I agree with you.But,There is nothing really we can do but tell teens to get on Birth control and use condoms.

  21. Yup societys just screwed up and theres really nothing we can do....maybe dont sell anyfashion magazines anymore or mae any moves or television shows suh as the life of a secret teenager which is about a gir getting pregnant ad is only 16

  22. I dont know, maybe the people doing all the congratulating r the people who dont support abortion. I give a teen girl a thumbs up for having an abortion although i dont, by any means, support abortion as a form of birth control, i just believe its better than having a bunch of teen moms sucking up our tax money for their own.I suppose its a fad, what with all the celebrities having babies these days.

  23. Just because it's happening doesn't mean it's accepted. And half of those questions are fakes. But yeah it's till sad though, because you know most of those kids are gonna be messed up too. And lol, I've never seen any answers like that! But I'm sure there are people that probablly give those answers though. Again, sad. Oh, and not all teen parents are s***s/delinquents.

  24. Because the mothers of the teens are just as irresponsible as the teens themselves. Its sad, really. We are being raised as partying whores. If youre pretty, just smoke weed and have s*x! When the losers are at college, youll be getting all the rich men!

  25. I think that it is to accepted in our world today. Yesterday on here a girl asked how she could "Throw away a baby" I almost feel out of my chair! I was taught that you wait until you are married to have s*x, and I did. However not everyone does this. I think that they should stress upon our youth that s*x should be between two adults. I also think that s*x ed should at least be trying to tell kids to wait. This however is unrealistic kids are going to have s*x and if they do they should be using protection at all time. Parents need to be more involved with their teenagers. However I think it is only going to get worse. It seems like parents have lost all control in their kids life. It is truely sad!

  26. nearly everything is acceptable in america, the only things I can think of that are widely disapproved of are rape, murder, and christianity. sad as it may be, that's what we have to deal with.

  27. Teen pregnancy IS becoming more and more accepted in this day and age - the film Juno is proof. It practically glorified premarital and underage s*x, then made it seem okay because the heroine gave it up for adoption. I live in Polk County, Florida, and it seems nowadays that all the little tweens are running around with belly and nose piercings, sporting baby bumps and training bras. It's all in how these children are brought up, in a country where no one wants to talk tough about these touchy topics. It seems like having a baby is the new engagement ring with these girls, "if I'm pregnant, he won't leave me and he'll love me more!" Which is wrong. Most teen guys bolt when they even hear the word 'pregnant'. Yes, there are the responsible ones who man up and take responsibility, but there aren't nearly enough of them. It's sad, having a baby has been reduced from an act of love to an act of desperation, or (or? and!) stupidity, where the baby is on the same level as a new puppy. "Congratulations on your new baby/puppy!" It's said with the same conviction. And that's just wrong.

    It's true that teen pregnancy is happening more and more due to the fact that we are beginning to become desensitized to it, much in the way that we've become desensitized to violence in the media. Now that we're surrounded by it, we can only deal with it, and now that we're dealing with it, it's all that there is.

    If we taught teens today about contraceptives, and not just ABSTINENCE TIL MARRIAGE, maybe there'd be less teen mothers. Maybe if we taught our teens about safe s*x, "I know you're going to have s*x and I can't stop you from doing it, but please do it safely. Use a condom EVERY TIME!" and educate them on how to use them. It's all a matter of the lack of communication between our parents these days, mostly because most teens are afraid of what their parents would say.

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