
Why is it that the Jehovah's Witness, cannot read Christian literature from a Christian book store?

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Jehovah's Witnesses have corrupted themselves. They have no right to keep

anyone from reading, Christian

literature from a Christian book store.

A person is a individual, and can think

for himself. It's about time that the ones

that are in The Kingdom Halls, come

out of them and turn to God for

Salvation through his Son Jesus Christ.




  1. What do you mean?

    I have several books that, although I bought them through the Internet, can be found in Christian book stores.

  2. Can not read or chose not to do so?

    I have no desire to read material that goes against Bible teachings.

    Keep others from reading such material? I am unaware that Jehovah's Witnesses did such a thing. I think you might be mistaken here.

  3. The premise of the question is false.

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not avoid a book store merely because it claims to be "Christian", although that name seems oddly contradictory to what Jesus taught.

    .. ..(Matt 10:8) You received free, give free.

    Are these peddlers not also discomfited by the writings of Paul?

    .. ..(2Co 2:17) [True Christians] are not peddlers of the word of God

  4. We can read it, anybody can read anything they want.

    Some of us chose not to.

    Besides, different translations of  the Bible.

    And research material.

    Material  'not'  published by the

    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society

    is what I used to examine more fully;

    if that which I was being taught, was indeed the truth.

    It was.

    So, I leave all that alone, now.

    I adhere to the word of God as the final authority.

    I've already lived the life of educating myself

    from man's wisdom; now I use Godly wisdom.

    And the brain things inside me head........

  5. Because they would find out that Jesus still gives *true spectacular miracles come true* as we speak.  Jesus is alive!

  6. We CAN read.

    We simply prefer not to waste our precious time reading religious garbage.

  7. Ive read stuff like that before. about as funny as a comic book but more sacrilegious.

  8. Cult beliefs say all churches are corrupt.

  9. Because like any religion, it tells it's believers to avoid anything that might be critical of it.

  10. Flow of religious information is carefully dispensed from the Watchtower Society.  Reading outside materials is grounds for reprimand, and in some cases, being disfellowshipped.

    It's awful, constrictive mind control.

  11. The entire original post is based upon misinformation.

  12. Why would they buy literature that teaches false doctrine like the Trinity & Jesus died on a Cross , that is why they escaped Christendom to get away from false teachings.

    I am not a JW but they at least understand the bible.

  13. Because they are not Christians; they are a cult.  Christianity shares 3 core beliefs, two of which is a belief in the Holy Trinity and Christ's resurrection and for the life of me, I can't remember the 3rd.  

  14. I have bought various Bible translations, Interlinears, and Bible geography, history, and other research books from religious bookstores.

    In fact, they have an excellent one in Jacksonville Fl that I found while on vacation.

    Could you clarify Christian literature?  

  15. Firstly, we can read any "Christian" literature that we want. We have all of the "Christian" literature that we could ever need at the Halls, and we have our own literature counter to get it from.

    You are just confused as to the traits of true "Christian" literature. What you are suggesting that Witnesses read is not considered to be true "Christian" literature.

    Second, I could personally read whatever I want, because I can analyze it critically and compare it against the absolute standard of the Bible. I used to do that with many, many anti-Witness websites and literature. However, there is no real point in analyzing something that closely unless it is a direct attack on myself or fellow Witnesses, so I don't do it unless I have to.

    Quid Quo Pro:

    By the same logic, why doesn't your pastor encourage you to read books by Richard Dawkin's? Think carefully about that answer, and then apply it to your own question.

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