
Why is it that the UN criticizes Israel, but not the Arab nations that attack her?

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And why do you think the Arab nations cannot defeat her?




  1. Nobody can criticize Israel as when they do America uses the veto to stop them  Here are some examples of the number of times America have done this.

  2. The UN criticizes Israel because Israel is the aggressor, whether you want to believe it or not.  Israel OCCUPIES another area.  What part of this don't you understand?

    Israel's military, backed by the US, is unbeatable.  It is a nuclear state.

  3. they are a crooked organization.

  4. if I marched into NYC and said some God told me I was chosen and threw a few old books at them as legit proof, would I get NYC?

  5. Um, the last time an Arab nation attacked Israel was in 1973, the Yom Kippur war. So I'm a little unclear on what Arab nation you think should be criticized? Maybe you mean  Saddam's scud attacks in the first Gulf War? Saddam is history, why should the UN bother to criticize him now? Please clarify.

    Since the Arab nations aren't at war with Israel, again I'm not sure what sort of defeat you are talking about? In any event Israel is easily one of the most militarized nations on Earth, with the world's fourth largest army and undisputed military master of the Middle East, armed with hundreds of nuclear weapons and backed by the USA and it's arsenal of thousands of nuclear weapons. No nation in the Middle East poses the slightest threat to Israel, let alone could defeat Israel in a war.

    In any event, all Arab nations I am aware of are calling for a two state solution, not Israel's defeat. Iran's official position is that Israel should annex all of Palestine and give the Palestinians citizenship.

  6. If you would like to talk about this a bit more in detail feel free to contact me on

  7. 2 reasons.

    1) Oil. If the UN criticized the Arabs, they would stop saling their oil.

    2) The UN knows that if they did criticize the Arabs, A terrorist would blow up the building while they were in it. (I am not making that up. I honestly do believe it.)

  8. Because the situation of the palestinians refugees is still unsolved. Israel does NOT have the right to all that land.

    I do not think the Arab nations are trying to "defeat" Israel but to correct an injustice that lingers for quite some time.

  9. the Isrealis kicked out the arabs. and they cant be defeated because Isreal and the USA are one in the same

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