
Why is it that the air seams fresher in the morning? Where I live, we have traffic 24/7 yet the air in the?

by  |  earlier

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morning seams cleaner and just all 'round better...Am I imaging this?




  1. Your other answer was correct.  I just wanted to add one thing to it, most city people pay no attention to.  The dew point.  At some point during the night, the dew point hits, and the moisture in the air settles to the ground, and plants.  As the moisture (dew) settles it takes some of the pollutants with it (and puts them on the ground, plants, cars, ect).  So the air really IS fresher in the morning.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    (Dew point is extremely important to farmers as it governs when you can and cannot harvest.)

  2. Simply put, hot air traps the smog and does not allow it to dissipate. As the evening cools the heat no longer acts like an umbrella trapping the smog. So cool nights means cleaner air.

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