
Why is it that the citizens of the United States...?

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found it necessary to impeach Bill Clinton for getting a ******** from Monica Lewinski, but simply sit around and complain about George W. Bush for driving our national debt up to nearly $10 trillion and sending so many people to the Middle East to fight a war just to get more oil, all the while saying that it is to fight terrorism?

At times it sickens me to think that this is what my country stands for.

*Impeach-to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.*




  1. daily reminders (if any were needed) about the nature of power - it corrupts.

  2. Bush is OBVIOUSLY a puppet. My 7 yr old nephew can speak a more intelligent sentence than he can. So those who own Bush own the gov't as well. He won't be brought up for impeachment. He, along with those behind the scenes, have committed MANY crimes, crimes you couldn't even fathom. Crimes so large you can't pin them on one person, but an entire network of VERY powerful families/connections. We Americans are kept busy working and kept entertained to not question the actions of our gov't and continue to live oblivious to them. I am no longer oblivious. I will do my part to enlighten as many as I can.

    I'll leave you with a quote I wrote

    "If you solely rely on proof to believe something, then you can be made to believe anything..."

  3. First off, Clinton got impeached for lying about it, not getting it from Monica Lewinski. Bush committed no crime- he didn't lie about anything and having a national debt is not even a crime. You said the war in Iraq is for oil yet we have high gas prices like other countries.

  4. Clinton wasn't impeached for the ****** but for lying under oath to federal prosecutors, a federal crime.

    Bush may be an ******* but he hasn't done anything blatantly illegal yet.

  5. Clinton committed a felony.  If you or I had done something similar we would have gone to prison.

    The fact of the matter is that - per the US Constitution - a President has to commit a crime before he can be impeached.  

    And I do find people like yourself somewhat frightening.  You base right and wrong' and 'illegal and illegal' on your political opinions.

  6. It's a bit late for this argument love.  Bush is about to be out of office anyways, so I am sure we'll have a new president for everyone to complain about soon enough.  

    Exercise your right to vote and help make this country one that you ARE proud to live in.

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