
Why is it that the media is amazed that speeches are written for Politicians?

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As God is my judge last night and today is the first time I ever heard the media and pundits alike blow off a great speech because it was written by a speech writer. The only modern day President I am aware of that wrote his own speeches from time to time was Reagan.

Is it the media's hate for republicans or sexism that they don't mention that either Obama or Biden have their speeches written for them?




  1. It isn't what you's who you know, and doesn't every good sitcom have a staff of intelligent writers!  You have to give it to Palin for the Pitbull and lipstick joke, if that was her ab definitely worked.  

    FYI: McCain and Palin are in my hometown tomorrow...the stage is set up on the street where I live...two blocks away!  Can't wait for the words to begin...

  2. they are scared to death of her.they thought if they beat her up enough she would cave in.all that did was p**s her off.and the rest of middle america.the more they rant.the more votes mccain palin will get.the teleprompter broke last night and she ad libed a lot of that speech.why isn't the mainstream american cnn reporting this?

  3. Exactly.  As if we don't already know that Sen. Obama is the teleprompter king.  Then again, this won't be the first time that the media has covered for their hero Obama.

    I am hoping that McCain actually for-goes a pre-written speech and just gives us some straight talk because that is when he shines.

  4. What?

    Everyone on CNN said that she knocked it out of the park. Even Campbell Brown said that she was touched when Palin talked about her newborn baby. I'm a liberal,and I can admit that there is a liberal bias,but I think you're taking it too far.

    By the way,they talked about Hillary's speech being written by her and Obama aides,talked about Bill's speech being written by that douchebag Mark Penn,and finally they talked about Obama's speech being written by him and his staffers.

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