
Why is it that the potencial for destruction is far greater than our potencial for creation

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Here is an example. I kill myself, I completely ruin everyone around me, it takes years and years for my family and friends to get over it. My parents wonder what the h**l they did wrong. I pretty much devistate my community. It would be the same to do anything like that to someone else.

My question really is why is it so much easier to bring misery to everyone, yet so hard to bring joy in that same effect. Is it the human mind, modern society, a combination, seriously I truely take that as a flaw.




  1. u misspelled POTENTIAL.

  2. Golly gee, I have no idea why ANYONE would want to kill themselves in the first place. Don't we have enough love to go around? And everyone I know has eaten today. Beats me.  

  3. What you say is true. I agree wholeheartedly that death is not a solution. Death wounds desperately and to the quick. Some will never recover .

    Many problems are solvable as long as your physical presence is there. That , sometimes is all that is required for those who love you to start and create miracles.

    WHy is it so easy to destroy? It is the nature of the beast.  We know how difficult it is to build, it takes a long time, sometimes forever to build something molecule by molecule, brick by brick, life by life. Destruction is the ultimate insult. That is why it is an act of war, a symbol of savagery  to your hopes and dreams and civilization.

    Joy comes to those whose prayers are answered, whose needs are met.

    To your family, just the thought and knowledge that you are alive breathing and being your usual complaining self also brings a lot of joy. That is unconditional love. You are as part of them as they are a part of you and you are treasured much more than you think you deserve to be treasured..

  4. to destroy a building ten seconds, to assemble a building 3 months, all things that are created/good take time and all the things destroyed/bad things can be done in an instant thats just how life is and humans have grown so fragile with emotios hence why happiness is so hard to attain, and devastation so easy

  5. Because it is so much easier to destroy than it is to build up anything.

    We always take the easy way out.

  6. Well, there are people who touch as many people's lives positively as a suicide touches negatively. (I'm not being flip. I just lost 2 people in a double suicide.) There was someone who devised a cheap way to fashion wheelchairs out of plastic lawn chairs. Then they raised $ and had them shipped to poor people in Asia whose only way of transport was to drag themselves around on the ground. Imagine how many lives were changed positively.

    John Walsh lost his son in a horrible murder/ kidnapping, and instead of giving into the devastating loss, he created the show "America's Most Wanted" to help save other people from the horrible fate he suffered.How many lives has he saved or affected positively?

    I could go on with other examples, but you get the idea.  

  7. Because, as lazy human beings, many find it uses less brain power to destroy things as a means to progress through life rather than to create new and lovely things, which takes conscious effort and often a measure of talent. Look at politics, why do you think that "attack ads" are so popular? The first idea that comes to a politician's limited mind and those of his followers, is to attack the enemy to achieve a desired outcome. It takes creativity and selflessness to forge productive alliances and those positive qualities among a host of others, are severely lacking in the human psyche and are learned rather than instilled at birth. Destruction is the only instinct a newborn child is certain to have and it must be educated out of him/her. This flaw is human nature and for myself at least, I rebuke my humanity if it means I must destroy to get ahead, or even try to "get ahead" of anyone else at all? Why not just be equal and content?

  8. I beg to differ. We're only human. But just like we're capable of horrible things, we've done some amazing good stuff. I think you're letting the darkness cloud the goodness. When people make mistakes or do bad stuff, it seems we forget about the goodness.  

  9. In order to answer this, I'm going to draw some parallels to other ideas.

    Gravity is the attractive force that pulls things down, and upon which we rely for life.

    When we build a house, we must use materials strong enough to stand against gravity. One would not use cooked spaghetti over wooden or metal beams if the goal was a livable structure for human habitation.

    Destruction of the house uses the force of gravity. Gravity is the same force that must be overcome in order to build something. It therefore follows that destruction (tearing something down) is much more readily accomplishable than building (creating something that stands on its own).

    There are natural forces of destruction and creation, but the force of destruction tends to be much more constant, in my experience. Creating something of your own is always going to be more difficult than destroying something of your neighbor's. Therefore, the more difficult act of creation is far more valuable.

  10. Entropy favors catabolism, (destruction).

    When you create you're bucking the wind.

    When you destroy, the wind is at your back.

  11. You make some very valid and interesting points. All I can say is that is the way the world is. E.g., it is far easier to blow up a building than to build a building.  What you are saying is similar, but a lot more personal, meaning that it would be worse on those affected.

    I would say it is a combination of the human mind and society. It's just the way things work.

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