
Why is it that the wounds you can't see are the most difficult to deal with?

by Guest59420  |  earlier

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Why is it that the wounds you can't see are the most difficult to deal with?




  1. Because mental abuse lasts forever.  The very essence of what makes us "us" is dammaged and takes a long time to heal.

  2. coz' you can't be sure that they're gone, even when they indeed are. If you think negative, you can never heal them.

  3. Because you feel pain...but you don't know why it's there or where it comes from...and if you don't know those things, it's difficult to heal.

  4. Its all to do with the mind and the mind is our greatest tool but can have the power to destroy us if we are unaware of what is correct for us.  

    because the mind is full of subtilties and complexities.  One wrong step and you could increase a problem very easily.  For example if you have been heartbroken the heartbreak is simply a feeling.  What you choose to do afterwards is what is important.  If you choose to punish yourself using self-pity you will not recover you need to acknowledge what you want.  Have the courage to make life changes to replace the things you have lost.  Heartbreak and scars are only a problem if we give in to them and stop doing what we know is good for us. Confidence, courage, awareness of ones own needs etc are important.  To know what you need you must be fully aware of what makes you happy, unhappy etc.

  5. Hmm. Probably because you can't see them. The thing is, with the physical wounds you see a source of the pain and you can quite effectively eliminate it. But emotional wounds are so powerful. They're intensity is effected by a number of things which are dependent on the person. Because you can't see the 'wound' you can't see the source of the pain.

  6. because what can't be seen is difficult to understand- when you can't see it, you don't know where the source of pain is coming from hence the difficulty in knowing how to heal

  7. because u cant see them. u wont know where nor how to start.Ü

  8. Tell that to a person who has a severed aorta

  9. Because one does not know where to begin the healing process.

  10. Because they remain not being dealt with in time that they weren't visible. As it may take much longer time than ever to heal it than normally..

    Honestly, I find it so difficult, The wounds I just refuse to see within me. 'Can't live better dwelling on hidden wounds.

  11. Because they are like scabs, and we can't help but pick at they become worse...they bleed worse than before, and become infected...eventually spreading throughout our entire being...

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