
Why is it that the youngest child in a family never gets in trouble?!?

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Ok i am the oldest 5 girls and the 4 of us older ones do admit that sometimes we would antagonize our youngest sister when she was really little but just dont bother with it anymore because we would always get trouble out of it than the actual "enjoyment" (=] ) out of seeing her get mad. well now i guess she has gotten a bit smarter and now its like she senses when we are already irritated and eggs us on till we cant just sit there and take it and does something that makes us crack and either say someting to her or beat her up in some way... and then she goes to mom and daddy and (she can actually cry on cue now) and would like scratch herself or something and cry to mom and dad that we did this this and this and then she would make up this bull story that we did somehting to her. and we all would be so frustrated that we would almost kinda yell at our parents because we were so mad that they bought her story. Please help and tell us how to fix this




  1. yeah i always get in trouble and not my little sister. If I were you guys I would just try to leave her out of stuff and when she starts wanting to join in tell her she can't because she was too mean to you guys. It worked with my friend. I mean my tempur is so bad that I would probably just beat the c**p out of her. Or you and your sisters could just have a serious talk with your parents. If you do this it is important that you don't start yelling. And to be as honest as possible.

  2. More than likely they feel that she is the baby of the family and can do no wrong. They probably feel like the older children do something to antagonize her. Now I am a different story. I am the youngest of 7 children, and my brother would always tease me and pull my hair etc. However whenever I told my mom about it she would just say it was brotherly love. He still teases me even though he is 38 years old, and I am 19. I simply gave up trying to tell my mom about it because she would always choose his side. So I avoid him as much as possible. There's nothing that any of us can really do. One idea that I have for you though is to video tape one of these "arguments" but do it in secret. That way when she goes and crys to your parents, you can just show them the video tape.

  3. Well, that is only true in some families. I would always have more serious consequences than my sister, who is three years younger, but that is because she is actually emotionally unstable. I think parents may want the older siblings to set a good example for their younger sib, but sadly some parents do pick favorites.

  4. its extremely untrue that the youngest child in a family never gets in trouble, but maybe it is true in your case, i dunno. maybe if the 4 of you just spoke to your parents in a calm way, not yell at them? so then they will know next time your sister somes crying to them. and however annoying she gets u shouldnt hit or or say stuff to her, thats what she wants u to do. just ignore her, she wont like that because the reason shes doing it in the first place is for atention. if not just leave the room.

  5. I was the youngest and I got in trouble the most when I didn't even do anything wrong. My older sisters would antagonize me and egg me on till I snapped. So I can't really help you there. But I would suggest talking to your parents about it. Tell them how you feel and explain to them that your youngest sibling is taking advantage of things.

    Sorry I couldn't help much.

  6. I get the impression that a lot of the youngest children in families are seen as the 'baby' and are allowed to get away with more. She could just be very manipulative. Try not to let her get to you all - I know it's easier said then done, but try to walk away if she tries to wind you up.

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