
Why is it that there are more animal shelters then human ones?

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Specifically more shelters that help single moms and their children.

Does it infuriate you when celebrities care more about animal rights then human rights? ( I love animals and I certainly do not want to see them abused and abondoned.)

This relates to adoption because we often talk about mothers feeling pressured to place children for adoption due to lack of resources.




  1. people have more needs, animals are easier to handle (not necessarily, im just saying for the most part)

    its madness.

    people are in need, too!

    i mean its great to think about animals.

    but think of your species, too.

  2. I think you might want to recount the number of agencies that help children and people. Just look in any phone book and count the number of "human based" agencies vs. "animal based" ones.

    For the most part, the accepted animal organizations include the SPCA and a few more localized ones.

    No it does not bother me when celebrities get involved in any sort of charitible events. Elton John and AIDS, Angelina Jolie and children, Princess Di and land mines, the list goes on. Again, do some research and I think you will find that there are many celebs behind a number of different causes.

    I believe you have a more specific question that relates to adoption. Perhaps refine it and then ask again.

  3. Hm.. you don't need to buy so many expensive things for animals as you do for humans.. and most humans don't really need to be in shelters and can fend for themselves.

  4. A shelter is a place that covers, protects, and provides safety. People need shelters to shield them from extremes of cold and heat, as well as from rain, snow, and wind.

    Harder - A human shelter is a structure or a natural feature that provides protection against bad weather, danger, or insect pests. The first shelters made by human beings were made of animal hides, stones, straw, vines, or wood. Today, we construct our shelters from a wide variety of materials such as wood and brick, steel and concrete, aluminum, glass, and plastic. The types of shelters people erect depend mainly on the climate, the materials that are available, and their intended use.

    Houses are the most common shelter for people, but there are many other different kinds. Others include bus shelters, bomb shelters, band shells, and treehouses. Portable shelters include tents, trailers, houseboats, motor yachts, and even motorhomes. Other shelters like barns and sheds are built to cover and protect things besides people.

    An animal shelter is a facility that houses homeless, lost or abandoned animals; primarily a large variety of dogs and cats. The animal is kept at the shelter until it is either reclaimed by an owner, adopted to a new owner or placed with another organization. In the past, they were more commonly referred to as "dog pounds", a term which had its origins in the pounds of agricultural communities, where stray cattle would be penned up until claimed by their owners.

    There is a big coalation beetween these two types of shelters, thats why.

  5. yes the celebrity thing infuriates me andthey are dumb as rocks but there are more animal shelters simple because there are more stray animals

  6. Did you also know that:


    Truth.  Some foster parents get only $10 a day to provide for a child in foster care.  That is for food, clothes, housing.  It does not include any material extras!

    Kids CAN-NOT protect themselves from abuse.  They are just as helpless as animals.

  7. I think that its probably cheaper and easier to help the animals... :(

  8. that is like saying:"why are people living in mansions when there are starving kids in africa that dont even have acess to clean water".

    i am really big on animal rights

    the way i look at it is, we created them so we should take responsibility for them, they used to be wolves once upon a time and humans selectively bred them just so we could have them as pets, to use them for our own purpose and pleasure so it is not fair that now we just leave them to fend for themselves in a world of humans  where they are so vulnerable to abuse. And we cant just let them run wild and breed.Atleast humans dont get euthenized because they are overpopulating or have behavioral "issues".

    its the same with some wild animals, they are suffering from habitat loss because of us, how can we just not care about what happens to them.

    Each celebrity can choose their own cause, there are plenty of celebrities for human rights it just depends on what they feel really passionately about.

    There is an issue i also feel strongly about and that is teen prostitution. There are very few programs where the victims can go to get the help they need instead of being locked up and treated as criminals and it all comes down to lack of funds. There are so many other things but this is not a perfect world but we cant just forget about the animals.

  9. I believe that it is because animals shelters are A LOT cheaper to run than "human" ones, and i guess i haven't really though of the whole celebrities things, because i could honestly care less about more than 3/4ths of them and do not bother learning what they are passionate about.

    Money is a big deal.

    BUT! My father is a vet and 1/2 of his work is free

  10. I think society in general has the attitude that animals can not help the situation they are in but people have a bit of control over themselves. Which, is kinda true. We can ask for help, live with relatives, try to fix our situation, find a job, go to school. An abused animal did not pick the situation, nor can it get away and ask for help. I don't condone one or the other I am just saying what I think the line of thought is.

  11. i think because humans SHOULD be able to look after themselves where as animals are more helpless.

  12. Animals such as dogs and cats could not use birth control even if they had access to it. Humans on the other hand have access to birth control and have the ability to learn how to use it.

    This is one reason why many people care about animal rights and keeping them from procreating - because they cannot do it on their own. It's up to us humans to stop them and protect them from doing it by keeping the animals safe and in homes and spayed and neutered. So no, it does not infuriate me that celebrities and others choose to put their time and energy into animal shelters.

    What makes me angry is how so many people have the CAPACITY and the ABILITY  to learn about and use birth control but just don't.

  13. Because there are more animals than humans.

  14. Its like people donating to the arts instead of cancer research.

    Its like our taxes going toward destroying a country and then having to spend billions to repair it.

    As much as I dislike saying it education, ethics and morality is lacking in the US.

  15. You kidding me? There are SO many shelters for women and family shelters. I think you have to have the police or somebody escort you to most of them though cause the location is supposed to be private.

    My sister kept going back to her abusive husband and every single time she left him shed go to a shelter. Which really pisses me off cause the shelter has spent SO much of tax payers dollars on her when SHES the one who keeps going back to the a*****e after the shelter has given her apartments , help , a job , everything.

    its such a waste of money. At least dogs appreciate the help they get . :/

    and my sisters not the only one doing that , so many other women have and its a waste of tax money

    i just think there should be a limit to how many times you can go to the womens shelters...

    oh AND , It's not dogs and cats faults that they're not spayed or neutured(sp?).

    Women have control over protection and who they sleep with.

    If they get knocked up theres sooo many programs that help them like wic and etc. But people just take advantage of it and rely on government programs and keep having kid after kid. its stupid.

    in all honesty i think they need to moniter the government programs more.

  16. Wow this is a good question. But, compare the number of homeless animals there are and then compare it to the number of homeless men women and children. Also people can always stay at a friends house or find shelter. Animals don't have relationships like humans and can walk for miles or walk even two steps and not know where they are!

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