
Why is it that there is so much...?

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I know I'll probably get slated for asking this, but why do so many people have such atrocious spelling on this site?! Do kids not get proper grammer and spelling at school these days - it's amazing how poor the general standard of spelling is...does anyone else notice the same?

(Ok go on then, tear me to shreds...! lol)




  1. That's "grammar", dear.

  2. It's Does instead of does.If you were writing a school paper,than good spelling is key.If you are just writing on here,who cares.I can still understand what people are saying on here.Are you just that stupid?

  3. Do you mean all the text talk? Like when they say...."OMG...I dint no wt 2 do!"....because that's a choice...not bad spelling....but there IS some awful spelling too..I think it's laziness.

  4. I can agree with you. YA has a spell checker so I don't understand why people don't take advantage of that. Proper grammer isn't really a big deal to me unless you completely butcher a statement.

  5. I know, it's quite annoying.

    In our school, you're allowed to write like that in lessons and in some exams. It's been said by teachers that they don't mind if you don't spell correctly, just as long as you can communicate.

    Therefore, no one cares anymore, so kids aren't taught properly anymore.

    Sucks, don't it?

  6. ...its quicker an easier, u shouldn't assume that we're stupid if we use text language or slang

    (  i said that quite nicely dont u think? =]  )

  7. Yes, there is a large number of people that ignore spell checks or don't know how to structure a sentence or a thought. Some are just kids that might have been bad students, some posts could be from people whose second language is English or the written language is not a part of their background and doesn't figure in their future. This site is for a broader audience, I don't notice it in most sites I visit.

    I think the Canadian site is linked with the U.S. site and  it is common knowledge that the educational system in the U.S. can be either the best in the world or can rank lower than it should. Canada ranked 4th, the U.S. ranked 18 out of the top 24 countries surveyed by UNICEF. Meaning they failed or finished low in each test and in adult literacy. It all depends on the child's socio-economic background. The poor don't get the education they should, so the ruling class's power remains unchallenged. (a common theory)

    Plus internet language and emoticons are a blight on the English language.

  8. I know exactly what you mean.  It's terrible!  I can't understand half of what is written on here sometimes.  I guess typing class went out with the typewriter.

      I think the text talk is bad too.  Why would someone write yuh instead of you? Or even ya?  Its not like its easier to spell.

    My sister's last year in high school she could hardly spell at all.  I told her the best way to fix it was to write out the full words when she IMs, etc.  

      I can't wait to see some of these people with jobs.

  9. You're right.  Sadly, it's a reflection on society as a whole.  

    The world is populated by fuckwitts and morons - and they're the sane ones!

  10. lol @ people saying it's a reflection on our answers is just ridiculous, that's why.

  11. Well to answer the question, all kids spell in a shorter simpler way. Ex: So wat r u up to? Your probably the only person every to complain about the subject.. And I'm pretty sure they don't in school.

  12. I agree. I sometimes misspell things but there is spell checker! I think most of it is just the habit of text messaging and not spelling out the entire word, which is alright as long as it is on something like this and not on something for work or school!  

  13. Oh you are so right. I work in an area where kids have to write out statements for the police.  They can't spell nor can they write a complete sentence.  I have noticed it too.  Kids either aren't getting the education or aren't learning it. Either way....that means trouble in the future.

  14. I agree completely.  It's not even like they are using text messaging slang, they just don't know how to spell anything.  When you try to correct them they get all defiant (or they would if they could spell it).

  15. I agree.  The basics have been sacrificed for "experiential learning" that teaches that the experience is more important than the facts.  We lost our schools when we thought we had to be the kids' friends.  We should treat them with dignity and respect, but we are not their friends.  

    It's "grammar," by the way :-)

  16. we have a mixed culture who speak foreign languages  

  17. I am 61 and can not spell worth a hoot... when I was in the second grade the school system stopped enforcing strict penmanship and spelling... basically if the teacher could figure it out it was good enough... I got passed through 12 1/2 years with out being able to write hardly at all... not even printing... I can not tell you how many hundreds of tablets I filled up trying to teach myself how to spell and write... I am a poor student and a worse teacher.... but I can tell you that from observing my children through school that it is much worse in every way than when I went through it... I am very much anti school... the government education industry schools need to be taken over by the parents and forced to educate... not enable mediocrity... the failures of the Government schools litter the streets. And the prisons

    Thank God for spell checkers

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