
Why is it that those who consider stem-cell research morally wrong are okay with organ transplants?

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I do not see a difference. With stem-cells an organ is basically being taken from an embryo just like with organ transplants - an organ is being taken from a donater. The argument that I commonly hear is that it is wrong because it endangers/kills embryo's - well giving an organ isn't exactly an 100% safe thing to do, I mean you do have the chance that you will die from complications and on top of that the donor is a living, breathing, human with family and friends - not to mention a life. So I was just wondering. What is the difference between stem-cell research and organ transplants? And if you disagree with stem-cell research but would take a kidney to save your life are you a hypocrite?




  1. There was a time when human embryos were the main source of human stem cells.  I believe that was their only objection.  This is no longer the case.

  2. An adult donating an orgain is a voluntary proceedure that they choose to do.

    People compare embryonic stem cell research to abortion, and according to these people, it is wrong because the baby has no say, and intentionally killing someone with no choice is wrong (except criminals).

    That part of the arguement is where life begins..  Is an embryo a human?

    But in the long run...   most people dont object to using left over IVF embryos for research, they are being destroyed anyways.  But they do not support/are afraid of the possibility of things like human farming, women being paid for embryos or abortions.  Some would debate that it happens now.  But these people think that by allowing research on the IVF embryos, it paves the way to the things like human farming.

    I support stem cell research and organ transplants, and view stem cells as an organ also (or like an organ) but I do not think it is hypocritical to not support embryonic stem cells but be for organ transplants..  Again, a legal adult makes an informed decision to donate, an embryo has no say.  I am very iffy on whether children should be allowed to donate organs (savior siblings and the like) as they also have legal say in the matter.  They are only legally allowed to donate to a related patient, but the parent can force them.

    What I think is hypocritical is that everyone crucifies embryonic stem cell research, but almost no one complains about IVF, the proceedure that produces the over abundance of embryos that the stem cell people rescued from the trash.

    Everyone is always discussing stem cells, whether its right or wrong.  But I just did a quick search on yahoo answers for IVF.  Out of 17 questions, the only one that mentioned anything against it was a woman who said her family did not support her basically because of her specific medical issues.

    I would have a lot more respect for the people against embryonic stem cells if you would back up and fight those proceedures.

    I cannot understand why it is ok to destroy embryos in the name of desperatly trying to get preg even though your body says no, but not in the name of research.

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