
Why is it that those who feel global warming is a natural trend are told...?

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...that they MUST watch "An Inconvenient Truth" repeatedly before they are allowed to engage in debate on global warming, yet those who believe that global warming is 100% man's fault feel no need to ever watch one minute of "The Great Global Warming Swindle"?




  1. Bill,

    Because its a religion Bill!!!!  They want to convert you so they can get into you pockets....most are know nothing air heads who only parrott what they have heard and never really did any research on their own.  But they follow the Hegelian principles that if you yell and scream a lie loud enough and long enough, it will eventually become a truth in our society.  

    What the h**l!!!  Its worked so far!!!  Look at the war in Iraq!!!

  2. Because it is more about power politics than science.

  3. Your question is good. i have been asking myself the same question. Unfortunately GW got in first and converted the general public into a false realisation of GW and not the actual science. GW has also been used to prop up politics and used for monitory gains. Now thats not good science.

  4. I think it is man made but would like to see the other side BEST to have as much info before making a decision.

  5. Because actual science scares them.

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