
Why is it that though some conservatives are intelligent they seldom win Nobel prices?

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or do not reach and have not been among the Humanists that did move Society forward to the standarsd they enjoy as well today?




  1. Your presumption is that the Nobel committee is not a political organization, out to promote an agenda.

    Think again.

  2. oh puhlease...lets try liberal media bias.  stories about events are released to sell products.  all that touchy feely feel good type poltics is what sells.  thats why thats mostly what you hear.  this isnt about being in touch and liberals are miles and miles from it.  its about being astute enough to pull facutal data and common sense from a sea of liberal pap.  for most people thats difficult at best.

  3. Reagan did not win cold war!

    He did not get any Noble Prize because he armed and financed a then unknown Islamic extremist!

    If Conservatives and neo-cons forgot....his name is.........

    Osama bin Laden!

  4. Because it's a liberal world in the judges circle.

    Carter, Kofi, Gore these guys furthered peace, Give me a break.Reagan wins the cold war and he did not get one.

  5. Because conservatives can't even spell "prize" right. Unless there is some sort of Nobel Peace Price I am unaware of.

  6. Nobel prizes have become political statements.  

    The Awarding committee has become very liberal.

    They gave an award to Arafat, fer crying out loud.

    Conservatives aren't considered.

  7. Not that I'll ever be considered but based on some of the more recent recipients I would consider it quite an insult if it was awarded to me and would very publicly refuse it. To be grouped with Arrafat, Carter and Gore would be disgusting to me. Also I'm not a humanist and don't believe they do much that moves society forward. I look at the Nobel about the same way I do an academy award...BFD.

  8. Do you think that an organization that gave Arafat a 'Nobel Peace Prize' is unbiased?

    If you do, then you really need to learn something about the real world.

  9. I didn't know they published the political affiliation of Nobel prize winners.

    So just how would you know, if they were conservative or liberal ?

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