
Why is it that we all can't get along?

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God wants us to love each other as He loves us....Why can't we just do that for Him. He died for us




  1. That is the beauty- and the curse- of being different.  Everyone has their own ideas, and because of the gift of free will, people act on those ideas, even if it causes suffering and hate.

    It would be great if we could all get along, though.

  2. Because then He would have died for nothing. He sacrificed Himself so that we could get to heaven even through our evil ways. If we weren't evil, and got along swimmingly, His sacrifice would be useless.

  3. We all have different morals that we believe in.

    Thus people think what they think is right and others are wrong making it so that we can't get along.

  4. God wants us to hate evil.Some people are sometimes evil.We love and hate them.

  5. we can, we just don't. mostly because of greed.

  6. Selfishness...

  7. Its really up to peoples ideas because if you get a couple of kids from different ethic background  or status they will play with each other. But as teens or adults we think differently so its up to people's mind.

  8. Well...... one thing that we are that God cant be is Human. God is fully capable of doing things humans couldn't dream of. As of getting along, I don't think the day will ever come when we just hold hands and sing because that's the way it is and im being 100% real about it. The most you can do is live your life and love others regardless of how they treat you and you will get something good in return because remember God is watching all of us

  9. I think it's much more primeval than all this. It is a search for a UNIQUE identity for the SELF. That is what separates Man from, say, bees in a hive. This can only be achieved by defining the OTHER as being different - from which flows being judgmental, prejudice, dislike, love, passion, discrimination and the rest. And it is this innate conflict which has fueled the growth and evolution of modern human civilisation  and society. So rest assured: a blandly uniform world where everyone loves everyone else is simply never going to happen - thank God for that!

  10. Well aside from that...people are people and they will always have human flaws. One of them being judment on others and thinking that our ways are the right ways.

    There are plenty of people who are tolerant, but don't agree with different lifestyles (THEY JUST DON'T GET INVOLVED EITHER WAY) THEN...there are people who believe that their way of living is THE ONLY RIGHT WAY to live, so they judge those that don't live with those same values, standards and WORSE they try to ENFORCE their belief on others.

    These are the people who make it difficult for everyone to get along, because now those that differ with them are forced to FIGHT BACK in order to live their lives as they wish (which in my opinion is everyone's right - as long as they don't hurt themselves or others in the process).

    SO... I think the solution would be to let people be themselves and trust that (if you are a religious person) they will be judged fairly in the end... and honestly, when that day comes, it won't be you they should be worried about.

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