
Why is it that we are fascinated by military innovation but dont focus on the bigger issues like world hunger?

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I noticed that the lead singer of flobots asked this and I too have begun to wonder. If you look at this summers biggest movies such as Iron Man and The Dark Knight one of the reasons people were so fascinated by them was all the explosions and the new technology. Especially with Iron Man, the military even created a suit to try an mimic the idea of taking mechanized warefare to a new level. Why is this what people care about? Why is everyone atrracted to all the explosions and weapons and why dont people worry more about actual current issues? Furthermore if were so attracted to all these movies that depict violence what does that say about us as Americans? Why can't a movie dealing with serious problems do as well as one that displays 120 minutes of constant violence? How are ever supposed to acheive world peace when all were subjected to is just the opposite? Its almost seems like we rather not have peace that way we can keep trying to design more weapons.




  1. action/war movies are entertaining.  

  2. Military innovation is also driven by the military-industrial complex. Basically building bombs makes people money and CREATES JOBS. So, basically feeding the military beast is one way of feeding ordinary Americans. The money goes to pay business executives, engineers all the way down to the janitors and landscapers. Attempts to cut off the military funding will inevitably lead to people throwing fits about job loss. Look at the controversies that spring up when they try to close bases. We need to rip off the bandaid, kill those jobs, and then throw money at renewable energy or a similar industry to create new bloodless jobs.


    this is why, cause via war they get all the money they can get

  4. its a money maker and the military industrial complex loves making money. they have greed and that is why we are at "war" with iraq, because big contractors just provide the stuff and they get the money for it. also its mind control, they want us to be distracted about the real issues while they (they i dont know who they are) can do what they want with the world.  

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