
Why is it that we are putting out 10 Billion dollars a year for a war in Iraq?

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And Iraq has a 79 Billion dollar savings account on Wall Street (from the money they have made on oil)?




  1. Because Haliburton and Blackwater want their money for their part in the Exxon Chevron War for oil.   Most of the money is going to contractors so the idiot who said soldiers want their pay in dollars is ignorant.

    It is all of the Bush neocon junta's plan to bankrupt the American government and the taxpayers so the rich and powerful can buy it up in the Going Out of Business Sale.  If the Iraqis paid for it, how could they bankrupt the USA?  Also, how could they steal all the money from the Iraqis if it was going to pay legitimate bills?  

  2. so we don't have to put out 10 Billion dollars a month in OUR streets.

    thank you President Bush. heartfelt thanks to our warfighters.

  3. Because our troops demand their pay in the form of US dollars, not Iraq currency.

    Why would Iraq pay our troops salaries and pay for our ammunition and our equipment?

  4. It's $10billion a month = $120 billion a year

  5. Call it a can of worms, a monumental mistake, a short term deployment gone terribly wrong. Whatever you call it, it is our problem since we created it, and it is our responsibility to correct it. The US cannot and will not abandon the Iraqi people, and leave them to be picked clean by the likes of the Taliban and Iran. Whatever your political affiliation, whatever your candidate says now is political posturing ahead of the election. We are in Iraq forever, just as we are in Korea, Germany, Italy, Cuba, etc.

  6. They have a nice surplus, don't they? Meanwhile WE are still footing the bill.....doesn't make a lot of sense IMO.

  7. Because we are more worried about who wears a flag pin than dealing with the stark realities of the past 8 years.

    I heard it's gone up to 12 billion a month.

    But we cannot leave the poor Iraqis, because we must save them from each other, our bombs, their bombs, and liberate their oil.

    Let's see... 12 billion a month x 12 = 144 billion x 5 years... or 50... or 100...

    This empire building is going well, don't you think?

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