
Why is it that we give billions in "aid" and free weapons to Israel & they have free universal healthcare?

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and we do not? Why doesn't anybody in the media point out we are financing a free social healthcare in another country but we don't do it here!!




  1. Because they are good people.

    Unlike America, Israel's marines are not cold blooded murderers like Murtha says American marines are..

    Biden didn't disagree

  2. Obama wants to double foreign aid.  You should probably get a second job to support Obama countries.

    Nothing is FREE.

  3. With all the money they saved not having to buy weapons, they got free health care....I think we need that health care would free up people fromt eh chains of a corporation, and they could start their own buinsesses which would rebuild the economy...

  4. ask the people that you are voting into office

  5. They actually use tax money to pay for it.

  6. False premise: we DO NOT fund free healthcare for Israel. Their citizens voted to pay the higher taxes needed to fund their social programs. America's citizens have yet to do the same. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen either.

  7. because we care more for israel than our own country

  8. Israel can largely decide who will be the US president and who will be in the congress Because:

    1- US Jews have a big deal of money and ready to spend some on the candidates that will help Israel.

    2- Most of the US media is owned or managed by Jewish people and will guide the public opinion to the candidates that help Israel.

    3- Worth to mention that Jewish are very organized in the voting process and form a plus for the candidate they vote for.

    That's why the American congress can't say no to Israel !!!!

    - Give them free weapons.

    - Never say no to the Israeli occupation of the Palestine land

    - Ready to declare war on Iran for the sake of Israel eyes

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