
Why is it that we have horrible health insurance as teachers?????

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Why is it that we have horrible health insurance as teachers?????




  1. That is a great question.  My mom is a teacher and so are many other family members and they get screwed!  My mom has crappy health insurance - not to mention they don't get a 401K or company match ever.  It is so unfair.  They should get the best of everything because it takes special people to be teachers.

  2. My wife is in the same boat!  It's normal for school districts to put bids for coverage and they try to buy whatever is CHEAP!

    My wife had a claim and I had to go to the school board to get it paid - as they (their Third Party Administrator) were trying to deny something that they SAID wasn't covered, however, the policy language said it WAS!

    And to think, RETIRED teachers usually have a better program as they are covered by the State's program and NOT the local district's program!

    You might look at getting coverage under the spouse's  group health insurance or buy your own individual health plan.  That is what I do!  If you have to pay for it either way, weigh the premium versus the coverages/benefits.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  3. This country doesn't seem to want to invest more in the children.  The moral majority doesn't seem to have much of a heart I am sad to say.

    Our county school board is a joke.

  4. In our district our teachers have the best health insurance available and the most expensive.  They only pay 5% of the premiums.  Their deductibles are a minimum.  My health insurance (in an insurance agency) is average & my employer only pays 50% of the premiums, I have to pay the other 50% & we have a $500 deductible with 20% co-payments up to $5000, crazy.

    Teachers in my district also get paid a lot...about double my salary...

    They deserve everything they get and more, they have a very difficult job, however, don't complain unless you really know what is out there for salaries & insurance.

  5. It depends upon the school district. My wife has one of the best and most comprehensive plans available and the school district pays the entire premium. The district doesn't pay the premium for family, so my daughter and myself have our own individual policy since we don't need the comprehensive plan. We have an HSA qualified plan and I can use the HSA account to pay for my wife's co-pays. This saves us tax dollars.

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