
Why is it that we have these weird ringing sound in our ears?

by  |  earlier

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I know one is caused by migraines, but what if you are not suffering a migraine and end up having ringing in your ears? why does that happen? is it really true that people are talking about u?




  1. it's really a form of tinnitus and usually clears up on it's own. If it last for more than a few minutes and happens more frequently, get checked by and ENT I wish I had when I started noticing the constant ringing in my ears, the bouts of entities were so bad that I have lost my hearing in my right ear. I don't play around with ringing in the ears.

  2. tinnitus  

  3. Look up Tinnitus.  

  4. Tinnitus is caused by a lack of B Vitamins as well as  Vitamin A....having Tinnitus does not always indicate a Presence of Migraines...As far as someone talking about you..could least while they are talking about you...they are leaving someone else alone! That is what my Mom used to tell

  5. Ringing in your ears can be cused when you are exposed to prolonged loud noises, such as music gigs. Last winter i went to gigs every friday, in small venues but loud music, i often found my ears rang for up to 3 days after.

    Hope that Helps =]

  6. No, it doesn't mean people are talking about you. You can have ringing in your ears after prolonged loud noises, like a concert or mowing the yard. There is also a condition called tinnitus where you have a constant ringing in your ears.

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