
Why is it that we let our doctors and society tell us what is right...?

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for our babies. We have people answers these questions with such certainty that their way is THE way. I believe that every mother knows whats best for their child and if you gave your baby whole milk or let them sleep with you until they were ten, This is what works for you and not the bible of child rearing. Am I the only one who gets frustrated with this? Has anybody else out there looked at some of these answers and thought " wow, a little over the top"?




  1. I don't give a monkey's uncle about what society tells us to do. I believe as long as we feel our actions are righteous, stress-free, and make us feel good about ourselves, then it's the recipe for a good life.

    I will only think about doctors if it's critical.

    But yes, you are right; society is the train of trends, and everyone's hopped on. Whether a mother, father, or anyone decides to walk by that train and not get on is up to them.

  2. I agree with Blue, but I think there is also a need for some people to NOT have to take responsibility for their own choices or mistakes.  It is so much easier to blame it on someone else then to look inward and realize that maybe you were wrong, were taught wrong and have made mistakes based on that.

    We are living with the mistakes generation in the past have made, and it is shocking how many people STILL think there is no need for change.

  3. People are becoming lazy and don't want to take personal responsibility, so every new consumerist band wagon they hear about they jump on, because it's easier to follow than do things your own way.  I agree, its sad.

  4. well. Society, I take no faith in.  However, doctors are probably wise to listen to. After all, you might be a mom, but the doctor has probably been doing this for years, and through experience, probably knows what's better for a baby then even you (as a mother does)....and also, as for your "sleep with parents until I'm 10" thing, is absolutely nuts. I think YOU went to far there. If any parent thinks that their kid sleeping with them until 10 is a GOOD idea, then they should have child protective services come and take thier kids, cause that is straight sick lady.

  5. Because it's what we've been doing and it apparently works?

    Doctors are smarter than you. Trust me.

  6. Maybe its you that's being a little over the top.  All you have stated is that certain people have made a sacrificing effort to try and help what was in your best interest.. Are yo not thankfull instead ? ...What would you do if it were just up to you and your kid ended up with a virus that you had no knowledge on how to treat or how it came about ?   Let me guess , you have superhuman extraterrestrial powers to cure it yourself ,,right ? .............. learn to be thankfull , and stop thinking so much.

  7. Doctors are hired consultants.  They are not substitute parents.  They don't get to make parenting decisions for you.  Parents should make the decisions that they think are best for their children.  

    I've gone against society in many ways.  I will make the choices that are best for my child.  My culture will have an input but not the final say.  Society has less of an influence.

  8. there is a limit to how much they know, its not everything, when you know, then you know, when we need help then we seek it

  9. Society and doctors give their opinion and suggestions but there is no law that says we must follow it.

  10. You should be able to raise you baby however you want. Most people dont know how to and rely on the assistance of doctors. Most doctors do know how babies react and how they  could be raised to become normal but everybody is different so you dont have to rely on all that a doctor says just the basic parts.

  11. not really.  The point of this site is to get answers.  Plus while I know there are good and bad docs, docs have had a ton more schooling than I have had in biology.  Plus look at the stories lately on parents who wont give their diabetic child insulin due to their religious  beliefs.  Not sure if those parents know whats best for their child.

  12. I agree with you and I am often frustrated for the same reasons.

    However I don't believe with the "I believe that every mother knows whats best for their child " statement.

    I have seen women feeding their 2 year-olds diet coke. I thought people knew the dangers of Aspartame but sadly it seems there's still plenty of ignorance about so I am afraid we all have to pay for these people's stupidity and live under blanket laws that sometimes take care of things for us and our babies and tell us what to do..

  13. you said it! i wish i could give you points!!! i feel the same way. they are your kids, you know them better than any doctor or any what you think is best for them. did you ever notice that doctors "practice" medicine? ya, well, there's a reason it's called "practice"! something's wrong? there's a number of medicines for that problem. try this one, try that one, one should fix it. i hate that!!! i want to know WHY! and what can i do to help prevent it!!! i think my kid's doctor hates me. i don't care. i'm the mom, we do it my way.

  14. of course.

    some people are just afraid to think for themselves...or to lazy to at that.

    I'm glad there are a good handfull of people out there (in reality there's more than that but you get the point)  that can be independent and smart enough to think for themselves.

    But the guy above me is right. People do need assistance from people who are professioned in their field of work. Which is why people go to doctors and take their advice but as you said things can go a little over the top.

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