
Why is it that we yawn when we see somebody else yawning?

by  |  earlier

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its as if its contagious. I can't understand why but it happens alot.




  1. I think its contagious.

  2. This should shed more light on the subject:

  3. its contagious

  4. I always thought it was a way of equalizing middle ear pressure, which can be triggered by another persons yawning. An excess of carbon dioxide and lack of oxygen in the blood could be another possable reasion. The exact causes of yawning are still undetermined! Yawn....d**n, I can't stop...yawn..

  5. Maybe we are ALL just to overworked and exhausted!  hehe

  6. It is not proven but there are lots of theories (I bet you could read about them if you did a search)

    Anyway some of the theories off the top of my head:

    Releives pressure (that doesn't tell us why it's contagious.. although I think it is funny because maybe when one person changes their pressure it is enough to affect the pressure in the room so someone else has to yawn to change their pressure accordingly!!)

    Then there is something about how it evolved along with the ability to be social but Im not sure I remember/understand that theory

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