
Why is it that wen i feed my daughter

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i breastfeed her and for some reason when she is eating she hits my breast as if to get more milk or something.... i mean its cute and all but is that the reason she is wanting more milk to come? cuz sometimes she gets angry at my breast cuz shes hungry now and its not going her way...

she's only 1 1/2 mths




  1. My daughter did the same at that age..i dont think she really knew she was doing that. I think it was just when she was beginning to explore with her hands...

    If she is getting angry she may be going through a lazy stage where she doesnt want to work for the milk..she will probably get over it...if your worried speak to your doctor or a lactation consultant.

    My daughter is now 4 months and now taps her fingers in unison with the others on my breast...its so cute!! :) it relaxes her so much!

    Congrats for breastfeeding though..stick at only gets easier!

  2. At that age their movements still lack coordination and so she's really not doing it because she's trying to accomplish anything.  For one, her mental capacity cannot put the two ideas together just yet. That comes later, and another- her coordination is still largely "coincidental" which means that her movements are mostly sporadic and random and have little meaning to her wants and mood.  Just enjoy your time with her.  

    Wife says if she's trying to get more milk they usually tug on the nipple.  Pull head back then forward again in attempts to stimulate it.  

    Hope that helps.

  3. I had this problem with my son too, and it wasn't because he wanted more milk to come!

    It was just the opposite.. and two reasons in particular!

    1) My milk was flowing far too fast (I had overactive let-down and overabundant milk supply), so as much as he wanted to eat, he couldn't exactly do that. Even though I had plenty milk, he grew more and more frustrated every time I tried to feed him and was crying like he was starving constantly!

    Imagine being soo thirsty yourself and someone holding a water hose in your mouth on full blast -- you want to drink, but the more you try, the more you choke up.. which makes you frustrated beyond belief! That's what he was going through.. so he would hit my breast, cough, cry, whine and spit milk all over the place trying to get me to notice.

    At first, I wasn't even sure why he was doing that! But the more I got to researching, I realized that that was our issue! So I made some adjustments with his positioning (instead of having him eat in a football hold, I had to hold him up ABOVE my breast while he ate to give him more control over the amount he got) and he's been fine ever since. =)

    2) He also does this sometimes (even now) when he has to burp REALLY bad, but I keep shoving my breast in his mouth thinking he wants some more milk. lol -- try to burp your daughter first when she does that.

    If she doesn't stop and relax back into eating after a good burp, you may also have overactive let-down -- but I say you should try the easiest solution first!

    Good luck! <3

  4. think about what she has to do in life.  all she can do is eat, sleep, and p**p.  you'd get frustrated too.  don't worry.  it could be that she's hungry, or just frustrated.

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