
Why is it that when I click someone's profile on a Yahoogroups post I go nowhere?

by  |  earlier

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For example it looks like this:

Jerri Willmore



Send Email

Usually when you click on the any of those words it goes to thier profile But sometimes- when I click on the links beside a post to Yahoogroups, the link goes black. I am not taken anywhere. Does it mean their email doesn't work, they are no longer a member, email is hidden or what? By the way there is no longer a "hide your email" option when joining.




  1. I went to a few groups, when I click their Yahoo ID, it takes me to their profiles. when I click on this and I know their no londer a member, it does exactly what you say- so my guess is whoever you're clicking on isn't a member of that group any more.

    when a group allows members to hide their addresses/ IP, it's still a setting that can not be reversed. if a group selected this option, that choice is there for good. if your the owner, under group settings memberships will show a bold red text-

    if you're a member, go to the home page left tabs

    Info - Settings  <-- click settings

    it will state * Members can hide email address

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